Why Second Love Is The One Worth Waiting For

Brandon Woelfel

Honestly, fuck a first love – our second love is what’s noteworthy. Our second love is brave/daring, and so much better than our first. Our second love reminds us of a feeling we thought we’d forgotten; it challenges us, encourages us, pushes us to knock down all those walls we built after our first love and first heartbreak.

Not to discredit anyone’s first love, there is something so incredibly special about our first love and sometimes they work, but more often than not, they end in heartbreak. That heartbreak, in the simplest of terms, seems to be the absolute worst. It’s when we are forced to grow up, see that life isn’t all fairytales and butterflies and that the pain is equally a part of life as the joy is. I believe there are different loves and nothing will compare or ever be as sweet and innocent as beautiful as our first, but our second love?

Our second love has the potential to be epic.

Our second love is so much more than just “falling”. We almost chose, knowingly or not, to risk it after being so broken, after declaring we’ll never let anyone close enough to hurt us, or we’ll never find someone that lit our soul the way they did. When we risk it, we are finally allowing ourselves to let go and move on; we’ve grown, changed, realized what we want and don’t want and that is such a vital and totally freeing part of life.

Our second love is typically unexpected. We slowly, hesitantly drop our walls, perhaps even initially push it away, but a peculiar thing happens because we end up running from the very person we’re chasing and that’s when we’ve found it. We find ourselves silently hoping something good happens between us and just wishing we could press pause and enjoy the moment. We realize we haven’t contemplated an escape plan because with them we remember what paradise felt like. We think about them more and more and of our first less and less, then comes a day where our first doesn’t cross our mind at all. It’s the happiest day of our life. We begin to smile more and rediscover our magic; we can’t get enough and we let it carry us to the sky.

There is nothing in the world like love, nothing so beautiful, pure, humbling, exciting, life changing, and terrifying. It’s okay to be scared, but we can’t expect failure because that is what we will get. Have a little faith.

My second love came out of nowhere. If my mother was right about one thing, it was that love finds you when you least expect it (but that’s a whole other story). My second love shares more of my passions, understands me on a totally different level yet challenges me to no end. He loves my mind, makes me want to be the best possible version of myself, to succeed and so much more; that’s a lot I can’t say about my first. My second love redefined the meaning of love for me; he made me question everything I thought I knew – and that I thank him the most for.

Our second love reminds us of how strong we truly are, just how brave.

We know the risks; we know the feeling if it all ends, but our second love gives us the strength to shrug our shoulders and walk with our heads held high, risking it all.

If it isn’t working out with this current love of yours, just know you will learn something and will grow to be ready for your next. Get excited because they’re going to offer you so much more than your first ever did and remind you that you can love after heartbreak, that life does go on and everything works out the way it is meant to. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Melia Topicz

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