Shahida Arabi
Shahida is a graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University. She is a published researcher and author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and Breaking Trauma Bonds with Narcissists and Psychopaths. Her books have been translated into 16+ languages all over the world. Her work has been featured on Salon, HuffPost, Inc., Bustle, Psychology Today, Healthline, VICE, NYDaily News and more. For more inspiration and insight on manipulation and red flags, follow her on Instagram here.
10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re An INFJ, The World’s Rarest Personality Type
While INFJs can have a difficult time setting boundaries with toxic people at the onset, they all eventually reach their limits.
Sometimes, It’s Better To Be Alone
Sometimes it’s better to embrace the beautiful uncertainty of being alone, to stand in the beautiful certainty of knowing you can always save yourself.
Self-Harm: Self-Care Strategies For Healing And Recovery
Those who self-harm are often trying to cope with a deep pain they feel they don’t have the resources to cope with otherwise.
I Am Actually Living Carrie Bradshaw’s Life – But Here’s What’s Different
I am a twenty-something writer who lives in Manhattan, in a dream penthouse apartment with a doorman and even a (albeit far smaller than Carrie’s!) walk-in closet. I went through a lot of challenges to get to where I am today. But unlike Carrie, I left my Mr. Big for good.
Love Or Limerence? 11 Signs You’re In A Fantasy Relationship
Limerence is an involuntary state of deep obsession and infatuation with another person. But unlike requited love, it can have disastrous consequences.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: The Mind On Replay
Those with OCD may be very well aware that their compulsions and obsessions are irrational, but that does not make them less prone to engaging in rituals to ward off the obsessive thoughts and impulses they may have.
5 Seriously Fucked Up Ways Covert Narcissists And Sociopaths Destroy You
A sociopath is a pathological liar – someone who will lie just for the fun of it.
5 Powerful Differences Between Twin Flames And False Twin Flames
Whether you believe in the idea of twin flames or not, it’s important to distinguish between what could be a twin flame-like relationship and what is actually a false twin flame connection.
111 Conversation Starters And Topics To Ignite Killer Dates And Meetings
Which flaw of yours do you try to hide from your partners early on in the relationship? Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
5 Signs You’re In A Dangerous Trauma Bond With A Toxic Person
You do everything to please them and are loyal to a fault, even when they give you nothing in return but pain.
Children Of Overprotective Parents Do These 11 Things In Adulthood
When someone tries to control them, they rebel.
Why Smart Women Fall For Sociopaths, Narcissists And Psychopaths
Many survivors are targeted because of their intelligence and success, not due to the absence of these qualities.
Stonewalling And The Silent Treatment: When The Narcissist’s Silence Is Deafening
According to researcher Dr. Gottesman, there are “four men of the apocalypse” or four communication styles in a relationship that can predict its inevitable demise. These are criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling.
Histrionic Personality Disorder: Drama, Seduction And An Insatiable Desire For Attention
Have you ever met someone who seemed to be highly emotional, theatrical, dramatic, obsessed with their appearance and overly seductive in their interactions with others? Someone who always needed to be the center of attention? You may have encountered someone with Histrionic Personality Disorder.
9 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’ve Been Abused By A Narcissist
Being abused by a narcissist can cause you to do these nine things.
This Is How You Break Up With A Narcissist – For Good
There’s a better life ahead of you. Here are three tips on how to break up with a narcissist – for good.
7 Ways Emotional Vampires Drain Empaths And Highly Sensitive People
Empaths and highly sensitive people might be especially susceptible to being around these types because emotional vampires are drawn to our warmth, our compassion and our bright energy.
For The Girls Who Do Not Fear Wolves
You will ask her to bow and she will climb. You will ask her to crawl and she will rise. You will ask her to die and she will be reborn. You will bury her and she will grow.