Thank You For Not Giving Us A Chance

David Boozer
David Boozer

As I am now making my way to the right man, I have to thank you, the guy that I thought was the one. I have to thank you for not giving us a chance. Thank you for knowing right from the start that you didn’t deserve someone as great as me. In a matter of days or weeks or years, I will be making someone beyond happy, and he will be doing that in return. I will then, finally, be with someone who’ll reciprocate all the love that I could offer.

Although I no longer have feelings for you, I can still perfectly recall how jittery I got whenever you walked down the halls of our school. Every time you crossed the halls, you had this confidence that emanated from you that I loved so much. You would say “hi” to me, and I swear that would make my day; no matter how perturbing what I was going through. My friends would then tease us, but I always admired how you handled and manipulated the situation for it not to be awkward. You would laugh, and for a minute there, I thought that maybe, you not denying it, means you were open to the possibility of “us”. It wasn’t just a “happy crush” per se, because I was willing to give up things for you. Frankly, I did see a future with you, but despite that, you did not give us a chance. However, that simply means, that you knew you don’t deserve a woman who’s beyond loyal.

Sure enough you weren’t James Dean material or some prince who was destined to sweep off a princess on her feet, but you were everything to me. Although you didn’t have the hottest body with six-pack abs, you were so eloquent, to the point that I could listen to you talk for hours.

I even cheered you on, and gave you my brimful support every step of the way, and I bet you still don’t know that. I was your biggest fan, and that was the problem, no woman should be someone’s fan, it should always be the other way around.

Every single time you had something amazing going on with your life, I was always there in the shadows with full support because I believed in you, and that you can do anything. However, you were always focused on to someone else, and I had to accept that, that would never be me, because right from the start you did not give us a chance. However, that simply means you knew you don’t deserve a woman who wouldn’t get tired of supporting you.

I do guarantee you, however, that there are no hard feelings between us. We’ll always be acquaintances or friends even. I could never look at you wherein any form of hatred could be associated. You’ll always be in good light, and I will always be thankful that I met you. Without you, I wouldn’t have known what to look for in a man, what I deserve, and what I am worthy of. In fact, the moment I meet the right man, I would tell him that it was all you that paved way for me to meet him, because right from the start, you did not give us a chance. However, that simply means you knew you don’t deserve someone who’ll always see the good in you.

Now, even though, you’re not worthy of this, I’ll be praying for you to be happy. That someday you may not again commit the same mistake you did by not giving us a chance. We may not see each other again, but if I do ever see you again, I really hope that I’ll be able to sense in you that you’re happy. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Eleonor D. Antiquiera

Eleonor is a Golden Pen awardee, loves to write and workout during her free time, and is an avid reader in Thought Catalog.

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