This Is What I Can Promise You

 Josh Willink

Josh Willink

I can’t promise you that I’ll always be the happy-go lucky person you first met.
I can’t promise you that you’ll be the first one I run to when I have a problem.
I can’t promise you that I’ll never shout at you or walk out on you during an argument.
I can’t promise you that I’ll laugh at all of your jokes; I might even roll my eyes at your corny jokes.

I can’t promise you that I will always say ‘I love you’ at the start and at the end of every phone call.
I can’t promise you that I will be comfortable with all of your friends.
I can’t promise you that all of your family relatives will like me.
I can’t promise you that I will always understand your side and your choices.

I can’t promise you that I will always admit what I did wrong.
I can’t promise you that I won’t get jealous when you talk to other girls or befriend them.
I can’t promise you that I’ll always be in a good mood; especially when it’s my time of the month.
I can’t promise you that you will never disappoint or let me down.
I can’t promise you that our relationship will always be full of happy memories.
I can’t promise you that it will be a walk in the park with me.

I can’t promise you that you will always be the first person I tell if something good happens.
I can’t promise you that my scars will have those beautiful but tragic stories behind them.
I can’t promise you that all my habits will be tolerable.
I can’t promise you that all of my flaws will be easy to accept and love.

There are a lot of things I can’t promise you, as you can see I have a lot of flaws as much as the next person does but here is what I promise you.

I promise to do the little things for you.

I promise to buy your favorite food whenever you’re having a bad day.
I promise to randomly surprise you just because I miss you.
I promise to kiss your cheek when you least expect it.
I promise to sing along to the songs that we rock to in your car on the way home.

I promise to never miss a call from you to say good morning and to hear your snores which I love on the phone every night.
I promise to leave quote notes in parts of you room or even on your phone so that when you find them you’ll be reminded of me.
I promise to whisper ‘I love you’ whenever you fall asleep beside me.
I promise to look at you at the movies while you’re too engrossed in the scene to even notice.
I promise to hold your hand whenever you’re nervous and pull your hand so that you can run with me whenever we want to have fun.
I promise to love your family as much as I adore mine.
I promise to remember dates that you often forget so that I’ll pretend I’m mad and you can tickle me and kiss my cheek to make it all better.

I promise to be open with you as you show me your scars that you’re so afraid of.
I promise to remind myself that you’re not perfect whenever your habits irritate me.
I promise to watch your favorite cartoons with you on a lazy Saturday morning.
I promise to play FIFA or UFC with you on your game console as your little brother cheers on the side.
I promise to be jealous so that you can remind me how much you’re mine and that will never change.
I promise to always thank God when I pray for He has sent me such a beautiful miracle.

Honestly, I promise to love you no matter how hard it is, no matter how life gets in the way and no matter how much we change. I will always stay with you.

I promise to stay, because you’re my person.

I hope that you can promise me one thing as well, that no matter how hard I am to love, please promise me you’ll stay. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Katt Gonzales

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