Shahida Arabi
Shahida is a graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University. She is a published researcher and author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and Breaking Trauma Bonds with Narcissists and Psychopaths. Her books have been translated into 16+ languages all over the world. Her work has been featured on Salon, HuffPost, Inc., Bustle, Psychology Today, Healthline, VICE, NYDaily News and more. For more inspiration and insight on manipulation and red flags, follow her on Instagram here.
5 Eerie Signs You May Be Dating A Psychopath
Full-fledged psychopaths appear to be rarer than your garden-variety narcissist, but there are narcissists who possess psychopathic traits. These are what we would call “almost psychopaths,” those who may blend more easily into society, but still chronically violate the rights of others.
9 Ways Children Of Narcissistic Parents Love Differently
We are hyper-attuned – to everything. Changes in tone? Check. Micro-shifts in facial expressions? Noted. Gestures that contradict spoken words? Documented. We are emotional private investigators that are highly attuned to changes in our environment. We had to be in order to survive our childhood. Due to this, we are highly sensitive and intuitive to the needs of others, but we are also constantly on the lookout for what’s about to come.
Emotionally Unavailable Jerk Or Malignant Narcissist? 5 Powerful Ways To Tell The Difference
All narcissists are emotionally unavailable to some extent, but not all emotionally unavailable people are narcissists. Here are the five key areas of difference between someone who is just emotionally unavailable and someone who is both emotionally unavailable and a malignant narcissist.
What’s It’s Like To Be An INFJ, In Other Words, A Living Paradox
INFJs are the rarest personality type and tend to be the natural targets of emotional predators. However, while INFJs are extremely compassionate, these types are ones you should never mess with. Outwardly, INFJs may not be as overly bold and aggressive as other personality types, but when they bring the reckoning, they bring it with full force.
The Truth About Dating After Narcissistic Abuse That Every Survivor Needs To Know
It’s tempting to create a narrative about a new partner and how they’ve come to save us, but we all know that sometimes the people dressed as our saviors turn out to be the very people we need to be saved from.
Online Dating Is A Hunting Ground For Narcissists And Sociopaths: How To Protect Yourself In The Modern Dating Age
Online dating gives malignant narcissists and sociopaths access to numerous sources of what is known as narcissistic supply – people who can provide them with praise, admiration, and resources – without any need for any form of investment, commitment or accountability.
Single Women Are Happier Than Society Thinks They Are – According To Research
Coupledom is often lauded as the primary conduit for happiness. New research, however, suggests that single women are no less fulfilled than those who are coupled. In fact, in some cases, they are happier.
12 Things Narcissists Say And What They REALLY Mean
When a narcissist’s words are translated into their actual meaning, the results are frankly disturbing. Here are twelve common phrases narcissists use and what they actually mean.
This Is For The Invisible Girls
The world made cages out of their spirits, their bodies, their hearts —
So that invisible girls could never learn the power of their visibility.
The Invisible War Zone: 5 Ways Children Of Narcissistic Parents Self-Destruct In Adulthood
The children of narcissistic parents grow up in an invisible war zone and are programmed to self-destruct in these five devastating ways.
5 Disturbing Signs You’re Dating A Pathologically Envious Narcissist
Have you ever dated or been in a relationship with someone who seemed to put you down at every turn and sabotage you? Who treated your accomplishments with contempt or your success with callous indifference? If so, you may have encountered a pathologically envious narcissist.
Dear Society: Women Shouldn’t Have To Dress Modestly To Be Respected Or To ‘Avoid’ Rape
Modesty shouldn’t be a prerequisite for respect and it shouldn’t be the sole indicator of self-respect. The level of modesty a female victim is perceived to have in her clothing choices is irrelevant – she is not to blame for the actions of her perpetrators.
6 Secrets The Narcissist Hopes You Never Learn
You can use six secrets about narcissists to protect yourself from their manipulation.
The Real Reasons Your Toxic Ex Keeps Crawling Back – According To Research
The ability to stay friends with a toxic ex may tempt you into believing that you’re both mature people capable of evolving, but the truth of the matter is, only one of you is truly capable of evolving and it’s not the narcissist.
5 Powerful Self-Care Practices That Can Save Your Life After Emotional Abuse
These five powerful and practical tips can help save your life after emotional abuse.
Intermittent Reinforcement: The Powerful Manipulation Method That Keeps You Trauma Bonded To Your Abuser
Victims are conditioned to seek their abusers for comfort – a form of medicine that is simultaneously the source of poison.
11 Signs You’re The Victim of Narcissistic Abuse
You have been mercilessly violated, manipulated, lied to, ridiculed, demeaned and gaslighted into believing that you are imagining things. The person you thought you knew and the life you built together have been shattered into a million little fragments.
50 Shades Of Gaslighting: Disturbing Signs An Abuser Is Twisting Your Reality [2023 Updated]
Gaslighting is essentially psychological warfare, causing the victims of malignant narcissists to continually question their own reality.