Shahida Arabi
Shahida is a graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University. She is a published researcher and author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and Breaking Trauma Bonds with Narcissists and Psychopaths. Her books have been translated into 16+ languages all over the world. Her work has been featured on Salon, HuffPost, Inc., Bustle, Psychology Today, Healthline, VICE, NYDaily News and more. For more inspiration and insight on manipulation and red flags, follow her on Instagram here.
50 Powerful Questions That Can Help You Identify The Signs Of Emotional Abuse
Is your partner kinder and more respectful to others in public than they are to you behind closed doors? Do you find that the way your partner treated you in the beginning of the relationship is unrecognizable from the way your partner treats you now?
3 Reasons Why INFJs Are The Favorite Targets Of Narcissists
Anyone can be the target of a narcissistic, toxic person. Yet INFJs, touted to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, tend to be surprisingly overrepresented among victims of narcissists. Here are three major reasons why INFJs tend to fall prey to narcissists – and why narcissists gravitate towards them.
The Narcissistic Conspiracy: Scapegoating, Smear Campaigns And Black Sheep – How Narcissistic Groups Bully Their Chosen Victims
Have you ever been bullied or excluded by a group? Taunted by a narcissistic individual who enlisted the help of others to further undermine you? You may have been the victim of a narcissistic “conspiracy.”
The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: How To Spot A Covert Narcissist And The One Thing That Always Gives Them Away
There is one thing that distinguishes a wolf in sheep’s clothing early on from a genuine person. Can you guess what it is?
111 Loaded Questions That Reveal Someone’s Biggest Insecurities, Vulnerabilities And Emotional Baggage
60. Are you more emotionally stable when you’re single or in a relationship?
PTSD And Complex PTSD: What Happens When You’ve Lived In A Psychological War Zone
PTSD and Complex PTSD aren’t just reserved for war veterans. Those who suffer psychological war zones in the form of abuse and assault can be just as susceptible to their symptoms.
From Learned Helplessness To Hopefulness: How To Overcome Emotional Paralysis And Take Your Power Back
Those who are taught by their life circumstances that they will continue to be terrorized despite their efforts to overcome adversity might give in to a sense of powerlessness instead. This is a phenomenon known as “learned helplessness.”
What Avoidant Personality Disorder Really Is, And What To Know If You Think You Have It
Avoidance of social interactions and intimate relationships. Excessive feelings of low self-esteem, shame and inadequacy. Withdrawal from situations where one is likely to be criticized. Hypersensitivity to rejection. These are just some of the traits of Avoidant Personality Disorder. But it goes beyond just anxiety or shyness.
11 Things I Learned About Narcissists And Sociopaths By Age 27 – That I Wish Everyone Knew
The malignant narcissists and sociopaths who walk among you are probably people you know and like – and if you haven’t personally been victimized by them, you’re none the wiser.
7 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re The Child Of A Narcissistic Parent
We forget to give ourselves permission to dislike someone, to address conflict, to confront issues, or even just to acknowledge when someone has reached epic levels of douchebaggery.
The Art Of The Narcissist’s Subtle Sabotage: How Predators Set Up, Disarm And Destroy Their Victims
The art of the subtle sabotage, much like the art of the pity ploy, is used to stage an environment of psychological warfare. It’s a set of manipulations within the abuse cycle that leads to an elaborate game of chess – if chess were an epic, elaborate game of mindf*ckery that is.
Why Do People Believe Narcissists Rather Than Their Victims?
The truth is that narcissists are very adept at impression management – in managing the ways others perceive them. They will appear to praise their victims in public, all while criticizing and demeaning them in private. They will provoke their victims into emotionally reacting – and they will use their reactions to the abuse to depict them as “unhinged.”
This Is When She’ll Leave You – And Never Look Back
She’ll leave when she’s finally had enough. And when she walks away, she’ll walk away for good.
The Real Reason You ‘Miss’ The Narcissist – And What You Should Remember When You Do
Ask yourself: which moments am I romanticizing? Which moments am I forgetting? I’ll bet that if you look closely, you won’t just remember those romantic trips and dates, but also the crazymaking arguments preceding them. If you reevaluate all those times they bought you flowers and gifts, you’ll also remember the countless times you cried yourself to sleep, trying to get them to understand your point of view.
11 Sickening Signs You’re Dealing With A Sneaky Female Narcissist
The narcissistic female’s rage is not unlike the narcissistic man’s in intensity, but because of social stigma surrounding female anger, the narcissistic female may communicate her rage in more subtle ways.
24 Powerful Valentine’s Day Reminders If You’re Healing From A Toxic Relationship With A Narcissist
“Love isn’t supposed to be painful. Let yourself feel whatever it is you feel and get through it – there is joy to be had. Loneliness is not a good reason to invite toxic people back into your life.”
27 Survivors Reveal The Sickest, Most Twisted Thing A Narcissist Did To Manipulate Them
We all know that malignant narcissists like to provoke, taunt and destroy people – all with clean hands. But what are some of the sneakiest ways they manipulate and terrorize their victims? I asked over a hundred survivors what the most insidious way a narcissist has abused them and the answers were shocking.
This Is What It REALLY Means To Go No Contact With An Abusive Narcissist
No Contact is the key that locks out that person from ever entering our heart, mind, and spirit in any palpable way again.