Shahida Arabi
Shahida is a graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University. She is a published researcher and author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and Breaking Trauma Bonds with Narcissists and Psychopaths. Her books have been translated into 16+ languages all over the world. Her work has been featured on Salon, HuffPost, Inc., Bustle, Psychology Today, Healthline, VICE, NYDaily News and more. For more inspiration and insight on manipulation and red flags, follow her on Instagram here.
How Narcissists Use “Dog Whistling” To Covertly Abuse You: Signs Of This Dangerous Manipulation Method
Have you ever experienced abuse where only you were the one who knew it was abuse? You may have experienced “dog whistling,” a covert form of abuse that is intended to strategically disorient the victim while escaping accountability.
Dating A Narcissist? 3 Things They Withhold to Gaslight You – And How To Reclaim Your Power
Narcissistic and psychopathic individuals seek power and control over others.
The Real Reason You Get Attached To Narcissists, Based On The Internal Family Systems Model Of Psychotherapy
You may wonder why you have so many conflicting emotions, thoughts and behaviors when it comes to trauma, especially if you’ve been traumatized by a manipulative narcissist. The Internal Family Systems model, created by therapist Dr.
11 Gaslighting Phrases Used by Narcissists – And Powerful Responses To Shut Them Down
Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic that distorts your perceptions and makes you question your reality. It invalidates your experiences, emotions, and thoughts.
5 Powerful Ways Women Can Avoid Dating Narcissists And Other Manipulators
Narcissists can be male or female, yet women seeking relationships encounter specific dangers in the dating world due to an increased risk of violence, misogyny, double standards, and the traps of hookup culture.
10 Shocking Ways To Break A Trauma Bond With A Narcissist
If you’re trauma bonded with a manipulative narcissist or a psychopath, you feel inextricably attached to them as a survival mechanism and unable to leave the relationship.
How Narcissists And Psychopaths Create Powerful Trauma Bonds: 6 Common Manipulative Tactics
Trauma bonding is a powerful, inextricable bond that develops between an abuser and victim due to the presence of danger, betrayal and a power imbalance. Dr.
Relationships With Narcissists Can Cause PTSD Symptoms, A New Research Study Finds
Narcissism has become a loaded word over the years, yet research has also consistently found that it is detrimental to interpersonal relationships.
5 Tests Which Reveal A Malignant Narcissist’s/Psychopath’s True Colors, Based On Research
We could all benefit from learning how to better identify malignant narcissistic and psychopathic traits in people, before we get involved in relationships, friendships, or workplaces that harm us.
5 Things You Don’t Realize He’s Doing Because He’s A Narcissist
Perhaps you make excuses for his hot and cold treatment of you, but deep down you know there is something terribly wrong. He might subject you to cruel insults, overt and covert put-downs and even gaslight you into believing that you’re losing your mind. The person he’s acting like now bears little to no resemblance to the person he presented himself to be in the beginning.
The Liminal Space Between Heartbreak And Healing: 7 Steps To Get Out Of Emotional Limbo
This is the numbness you feel right after a breakup. It’s the frozen terror you feel when you receive bad news. It’s the shock that hasn’t worn off a tragedy. The liminal space is the unprocessed aftermath of trauma. It is emotional limbo. It demands some sort of movement, yet to move forward feels achingly wrong. To be in this sort of transitional space can potentially be transformative, if you know how to make use of your journey before you step over the threshold.
5 Signs You Have White Knight Syndrome: Playing The Rescuer In Your Relationships
Do you find yourself playing the “rescuer” in all of your relationships? You may be suffering from what some psychologists call “White Knight Syndrome.”
The Dollhouse: 5 Roles You Play In A Narcissist’s ‘Harem’ Or Love Cult
In any relationship with a narcissist, you become part of a cult-like group, because narcissists usually have many other “admirers” awaiting to serve them at their beck and call – whether they be ex-lovers, colleagues, crushes, family members, “just friends” or your eventual replacement.
Why Do People Lie? 7 Major Reasons For Deception (And How To Spot A Liar)
Even with all the information we have about how to spot a liar, the other major question remains: why do people lie in the first place?
5 Reasons Why People Attempt Suicide
It’s important to talk about why suicide attempts and ideation occur. It’s important to destigmatize the suffering of those who may be shouldering their pain in silence. It’s important to be mindful of how we treat those who choose to share their struggles and to be mindful that not everyone may be as open in coming forward or reaching out for help.
What Is The Shadow Self? And How Do I Do Shadow Work?
There are three counterintuitive reasons why your so-called “dark side” holds the key to manifesting your desires.
What Dialectical Behavior Therapy Is And How It Can Save Your Life
DBT is an evidence-based treatment proven by research to be effective for those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse problems, eating disorders, Borderline Personality Disorder and depression.
For All The Women Broken By An Emotionally Abusive Relationship
There is magic even in the women who are brought to their knees.