Sabrina Bendory

Sabrina Bendory is a writer and entrepreneur. She is the author of You’re Overthinking It, a definitive book on dating and self-love.

Why He Keeps Coming Back Into Your Life

Breakups are hard enough, but when your ex keeps coming back but doesn’t seem to want you back it can be crushing. It could be an ex-boyfriend or an ex-situation-whatever, either way it hurts and it messes with your mind.

Why “Interested” Men Disappear

So you were dating a guy… or maybe still in the “talking phase” and he seemed super into you. And you like him too which makes it even better!

7 Behaviors That Scare Men Off

The one thing I’ve noticed over the years as a relationship writer is that most women have no idea how they’re coming across to men.

How To Get Over A Guy

A very simple guide explaining how to get over a breakup and all the tips you’ll need to get over a guy.

How To Stay High Value When A Man Pulls Away

When a man is withdrawing and pulling away, try these tips. When a man starts pulling away or withdrawing or acting cold toward you… it’s hard not to panic. It’s hard not to blame yourself: What did I do?

Did I Sleep With Him Too Soon?

Does sleeping with him too soon really ruin the relationship? Is it possible to have sex too soon? Will sleeping with a guy too soon make him instantly lose interest and head for the hills?