If You Want To See True Love, Look To God

woman with palms outward
Alexa Mazzarello

“I love you,”
he says.

“I love you more,”
I respond.

“I love you most,”
He stresses.

“You’re beautiful. You’re amazing. You’re perfect for me. You’re my dream come true. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to my life. I will never leave you. No matter what happens,” he says.

Such beautiful words.
Tastes like vanilla.
Sweeter than honey.
Brighter than sunshine.
What could be more beautiful?

All words.

He says he loves you.
But he can’t even look at you
Like how he looks at the stars.
He says he loves you.
But he can’t even tell you
Where he’s been for the night.
He says he loves you.
But he can’t even tell his
Friends about you.
He says he loves you.
But he doesn’t support
Your dreams and ambitions.
He says he loves you.
But he doesn’t listen to
The “silly little things” you say.
He says he loves you.
But when things get rough,
He doesn’t find a way.

Honey, listen to me.
Some men are good with words.
Some men are ONLY good with words.

You have to be smart.
You have to be cautious.
Guard your heart.
Don’t give it to the wrong people.
You deserve better.

You deserve a love that’s pure.
A love that’s gentle.
A love that’s unconditional.
A love that’s proven.
A love that will move mountains.
A love that will cross seas.

Love is patient.
It is kind. It does not envy.
It does not boast.
It is not proud.
It does not dishonor others.
It is not self-seeking.
It is not easily-angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil.
But rejoices with the truth.
It always protects.
Always trusts.
Always hope.
Always perseveres.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

Love is not measured by words.
But by truth.
And by action.
(1 John 3:18)

If he loves you only by tongue,
And by eyes,
Not by heart
And soul,
Then it’s not love at all.

Love is something you feel inside.
It dwells somewhere deeper.
It roots from within
And reflects in one’s smile.
And can be seen through someone’s eyes.
And is accompanied by actions.

You want true love?
Open the bible.

True love is how God sent his only son to save you.
(John 3:16)

True love is how Jesus Christ laid down his life for you.
(John 15:13)

True love is how Jesus Christ died for your sins.
(Romans 5:8)

True love is how God blesses you every single day.
From the moment you open your eyes each morning.
Up to the time you fall asleep at night.
True love is how He listens to you.
No matter how senseless or irrational you can be.
True love is how He forgives you.
No matter how badly you have sinned.
True love is how He has surrounded you
With wonderful people to keep you company.
True love is how He has placed you
In difficult situations to make you stronger.
True love is how He won’t give you trials
You cannot handle or endure.

True love is how He knows you.
Every little thing about you.
True love is how He colors the sky
In the most beautiful hues
Just to see you smile.
True love is how He gives you rain
To wash your sadness and loneliness away.
True love is how He’s always there for you.
Every second. Of every minute.
Of every day.

True love is how He has made you.
The beautiful you.
The perfectly flawed you.
From His own image.

True love is God.
And whoever does not love,
Does not know God,
Because God is love.
(1 John 4:8)

And love is God. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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