Oliver Miller
The Library
In my dream I saw an enormous library.
100 More Simpsons Quotes, In Order Of Importance
“Well, kids, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The lesson is: never try.”
Analysis Of A Joke
I only know one joke.
Untitled Story About A Stripper
All stories are stories about sadness.
Alone At Night
Surely there is nothing wrong with being alone at night.
To visualize infinity, imagine a hotel.
The Crows
The sadness will last forever.
The Woods
There are too many paths through the woods.
Man Sees Blimp
A man saw a blimp the other day.
Here’s A Song And A Quote
It might help if we knew where we were going, and how fast.
A Close Reading Of ‘Call Me Maybe’
I just met you; this is crazy.
The Color Blue
Me? I’m nobody.
Wild horses couldn’t drag you away from it.
Here’s Your Video Of Fireworks Exploding In Reverse
A video artist recorded fireworks on New Year’s Eve, then reversed the footage; which seems like a simple thing to do, but the result is startling. Stars disappearing, reverting into dots, which revert into nothing.
What I Hear When Millennials Talk
KANYE WEST? KIM KARDASHIAN? Sometimes I just weha sa date rifufe roha, la! I mean it’s all so retede filobop sometimes. Ha ha ha ha! J/K!
Hell As A Place, Part One
At 5 p.m., with the setting sun and with the sky all red, it can look like the whole world is on fire.
Marry, Screw, Kill (Revised Edition)
Marry: …The kind of person who you keep excitedly calling back to say, “Oh, and one more thing,” even though it’s, say, three o’clock in the morning and you’ve already been talking for hours.