43 Male Rape Victims Share Their Shocking Stories And The Tragic Aftermath

14. I remember the stars that night and the shadow of her head moving while she mounted me.

“I was drugged and raped by a friend in the woods during a camping trip at Olympic National Forest in the winter of 2004. I felt really weird after drinking too much so I went to lay down. All I could do was move my head as I drifted in and out of consciousness. I remember the stars that night and the shadow of her head moving while she mounted me. I couldn’t feel my body, and I couldn’t find words. It was like hearing white noise, and I couldn’t hear anything over that sound. In the morning, she was cuddling me. She clearly didn’t think she just raped me. I remember thinking it was a dream until I got home and went to pee. There was blood on my pelvis. She recently tried to add me on Facebook.

When I came forward to my best friend at the time, she screamed at me because it would ruin her friend’s life. I couldn’t have been raped by her because I was bigger, stronger, you don’t get hard if you’re a drunk man, and the worst one was clearly I enjoyed it/lied since I hadn’t pressed any charges. 10 years I held that feeling inside before I told anyone else.”

15. I was raped by a pedophile ring repeatedly from the age of 7 until about 10.

“I was raped by a pedophile ring repeatedly from the age of 7 until about 10, the number of times would have been in the 80s. I have suffered depression since then. I overeat to ensure my physical feeling matches my emotional disgust for myself. My ex-partner accused me of getting an erection at the sight of my one-year-old son, which absolutely defeated me.

I am now single again, dealing with constant flashbacks and severe depression and the loss of any contact with my son because the courts do not understand simple math. Most people who are abused DO NOT abuse. People who abuse, however, most likely were abused.


About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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