50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

13. When he walked to the airport every night to use WiFi to tell me goodnight.

“We had been dating almost two years at this point, but this definitely helped solidify it for me. My boyfriend had to go to Boston for a conference, and I couldn’t go with him because I was in university and had exams at the same time. First time we’ve ever really been apart for while so he knew I’d really miss him. He gets there, finds out hotel has no Internet, which was how we planned on talking while he was there. Unknowingly to me (until he got back and told me), he walked back to the airport every night just to get WiFi to say goodnight to me. It was super sweet :)

We are still together, celebrated 5 years in May and moving in together next year :)”

14. ‘It doesn’t have to be pretty, it just has to be bacon.’

“I had been out of a relationship with a critical narcissist asshole for not that long. If something happened, it meant I caused it or did it wrong. Especially when cooking, he would hover over me and tell me how I was cutting carrots or onions wrong or not using enough heat or whatever. (Mind you, he was no chef, but he loved telling me how my way was wrong. In everything.)

Fast-forward to a camping trip with my new boyfriend. I was frying up bacon on the camp stove. To my surprise it stuck to the pan immediately (usually the fat greases the pan). He came over to see how breakfast was coming and if I needed help and I was spewing apologies left and right. ‘I’m so sorry, this is so stuck and shredded. I don’t know what happened. I’m so sorry.’ He says, ‘It doesn’t have to be pretty, it just has to be bacon.’

I married him.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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