50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

43. When I was sloppily eating ice cream and he thought it was cute.

“My current boyfriend and I had one of our first dates out at his favorite beach. And me, being a ridiculously messy eater, and even worse with ice cream, got a couple of scoops in a cup. We walk back to my car to hang out and I have to eat the ice cream outside because it was dripping all down my hands and my arms, forming a huge puddle at my feet. He took a photo of me from inside the car and proceeded to tell me how cute I was.”

44. When he acted happy that I beat his ass playing pool.

“On our first date my now-husband and I were supposed to go bowling, but the wait was two hours, so i suggested we shoot pool instead. I am a decent pool player and was beating him handily. He took it in stride. At one point I decided to attempt a tricky jump shot. I told him what I was going for and that I had a maybe 50% chance of sinking it. I made the shot, won the game, and he was genuinely happy for me. That is what I want, someone who is happy when I succeed.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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