To The Man I Love Next, This Is How I Will Love You

Agberto Guimaraes
Agberto Guimaraes

To the man I love next, I promise to always do my best to listen to you when you need to rant about what is going wrong in your life.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you my heart. 

To the man I love next, I will always make sure to not raise my voice when you snap at me because you’re stressed from a hard day at work.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you I’ll try. 

To the man I love next, I will be sure to never take you for granted and to never make you feel under appreciated.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you my strength. 

To the man I love next, I promise to attempt to cook for you and try not to burn the house down.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you take-out. 

To the man I love next, I promise to kiss you every day, no matter how hard some moments are going to be.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you forever. 

To the man I love next, I promise to hug you tightly when you break down crying from the storm that life washes over you.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you my arms around yours.

To the man I love next, I promise to adore you through every sunrise and sunset.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you every color of the rainbow. 

To the man I love next, I promise to love you even when you can’t love yourself.

I can’t promise you perfection, but I can promise you my soul.

To the man I love next, I promise to cherish every single moment I have with you.

And I hope the time with you will never come to an end.

Because while I can’t promise you perfection, I can promise you my all.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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