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Thought Catalog
“10 Things I Hate About You” Characters As Zodiac Signs
10 Things I Hate About You is one of the most iconic rom-coms of the 90s and, truthfully, of all time. On March 31st, we celebrate the film’s 26th anniversary!
7 Horror Movie Performances That Deserved An Oscar
The Academy has long snubbed the horror genre, eschewing such content in favor of spookless stirring dramas.
Which ‘Fourth Wing’ Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Fourth Wing is an adult fantasy novel by Rebecca Yarros. It reached number 1 on the New York Times bestseller list and was one of the top books sold in…
Things To Do In Your 20s If You Want To Be Ahead Of Everyone Else In Your 30s
As the saying goes, you are who you surround yourself with, so make sure those people are good for you.
What Character From “The Bear” Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
Which character from “The Bear” does your Zodiac Sign line you up with?
If He’s Inconsistent, Cut Him Out
People will always show you how they feel about you.
These Are 7 Most Satisfying TV Show Finales Of All Time
Some TV shows end perfectly, and these are the best of the best.
What Classic Slasher Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
Take a stab at which famous slasher your Zodiac Sign aligns you with.
Stop Settling For Situationships (Go Find The Real Thing)
You deserve better than waiting around for someone to make up their mind about you and what they want.
A Definitive Ranking Of Every Doctor In ‘Doctor Who’
Where does your favorite Doctor rank?
Which Reality Star Do You Share A Zodiac Sign With?
Trash reality TV is America’s pastime, I don’t make the rules.
There’s A New Dating Trend Called ‘Cookie-Jarring’ (And It’s Toxic AF)
The reason someone would cookie jar you is that they’re insecure.
7 Amazing TV Shows That No One Talks About (Have You Seen Them?)
These amazing shows deserve to stay on everyone’s watchlists.
What Law & Order SVU Character Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
Which character are you in this long-time loved crime drama?
The 7 Best Mystery Movies Will Keep You On The Edge Of Your Seat
You won’t see these endings coming. Can you solve the mystery before the credits roll?
6 Unexpected Life Lessons From ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Every Generation Needs To Hear
Kick off your year with thse unexpectedly powerful life lessons from everyone’s favorite comedy, “Schitt’s Creek.”
The Best Sex Of Your Life Will Be With A Fire Sign
You can’t help but be totally enamored by Leo when you’re with them.
Have You Seen The 7 Best M. Night Shyamalan Movies?
If you want a TWISTED M. Night Shyamalan movie marathon, here’s where to start.
12 Nostalgic Films That Still Pull At Millennial’s Heartstrings 20 Years Later
These 1990 and early 2000s throwbacks still hold so much nostalgia even 20 years later.
10 Women Explain Why They Rejected A Marriage Proposal
My ex tried proposing to me a month after I broke up with him because he was cheating…
The 6 Best British TV Dramas Of All Time
Leave it to the UK to make some of the best dramas in television history.
Which Brooklyn Nine-Nine Character You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Which Brooklyn Nine-Nine character most aligns with you based on your Zodiac?
20 One-Sentence Reminders For Anyone Really Going Through It Right Now
Better times are on the horizon.
The 7 Best SNL Cast Members Of All Time
Are your favorite ‘Saturday Night Live’ cast members on our list? We’re ranking the greatest of all time.
Your Role In The Apocalypse, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
When the apocalypse hits, how will your Zodiac Sign influence you to respond?
The Saddest Taylor Swift Lyrics That Will Put You In Your Feels
“And it’s hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound”
The Best British TV Shows Of All Time
They’re the kings and queens of comedy, and we have much to be thankful for when it comes to British sitcoms.
3 High-Octane Comedies To Stream Tonight on Netflix
There are few things better than a good action-comedy movie. They’re exhilarating, funny, and, more often than not, heartfelt. Netflix has many superb examples of the genre.
Which Nostalgic 2000s Rom-Com You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Does your all-time favorite 2000’s romcom align with your Zodiac Sign?
Modern Dating Is Making Us All F*cking Cowards (And We Need To Do Better)
We’re all so damaged from hurting one another and ourselves that we’re afraid of putting our hearts on the line at all.
5 Pioneering Cosmic Horror Movies
The writer H. P. Lovecraft is considered the inventor of cosmic horror, a genre of horror storytelling that focuses on cosmic and existential dread.
The 7 Best TV Crime Dramas
Morally gray characters, gritty storylines, and unforgiving twists–these are the best tv crime dramas and where to stream them.
What Your Favorite ‘Bridgerton’ Love Interest Says About You
What insights will you glean from the Bridgerton hottie you yearn for?
I Don’t Understand ‘Dating’ In 2025 At All
We spend the night but leave in the morning without saying goodbye.
‘Get Out’ Fans Will Love This Thriller That Just-Launched On Amazon Today
Like Get Out, Blink Twice is the perfect combination of story and thrills.
The 6 Greatest Main Characters In TV History, Hands Down
These televisions shows would have faded into obscurity if not for these TV protagonists.
12 Classic 90s Movies That’ll Make You Cry All Over Again
You cried at these 90s movies when you were a kid and you’ll cry at them now. Which was your favorite?
Which ‘Hunger Games’ District You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Which district would you find yourself a part of in the dystopian society of Panem?
7 Important Life Lessons I’ve Learned From ‘Gilmore Girls’
Can you really say you’ve lived if you haven’t devil-egged a car?
5 Disaster Movies With Hot Male Leads To Heat Up Your Winter
These hot guys saving the world could save any movie from total disaster.
3 Things You Should Do During The Talking Stage
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and don’t act like a significant other to them because you’re not.
4 Movies About Toxic Limerence
When I first wrote about limerence back in 2018, many readers resonated with the idea of being in a “fantasy relationship” – becoming obsessed and fixated on a toxic relationship…
The 7 Upcoming Movies We Can’t Wait To See In 2025
This is going to be a GREAT year for movies.
‘Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2’ Is Better Than You Remember
If you hate this The Blair Witch Project sequel, you may want to give it a second chance.
Which “The Perfect Couple” Character Are You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Which character from “The Perfect Couple” does your Zodiac Sign most align with?
7 Canceled TV Shows That Deserve A Second Life
7 show cancellations that were absolutely devastating.
3 Things You Should Never Do During A Situationship
Instead of hunting for clues that he is as into this as you are, you need to talk to him about where his head is at and what his intentions…
You Can’t Compromise With Toxic Humans
Toxic humans are never going to meet you halfway. They are never going to come to a mature, healthy, adult agreement with you.
If Your Relationship Isn’t Better Than These 7 Movie Couples, You’re Doomed
You may have loved these rom com couples, but should they really have ended up together?