When You Finally Said ‘I Love You’

Emily & Steve Photography
Emily & Steve Photography

When you finally told me “I love you”
I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming again or if you were for real.
I imagined this so many times before that I already knew by heart how this would end.
You said it, I cried tears of joy, you hold me tight, and I said it back.

When you finally told me “I love you”
I couldn’t believe my ears.
My mouth just went mute, although my mind was screaming in 10 different languages.

When you finally told me “I love you”
I thought ‘This is it, he’s mine. Finally’
It would be the beginning of forever.

When you finally told me “I love you”
I realized it didn’t matter anymore.
I just stood there knowing what to say, but not wanting to say it.

But this time it was real. There we were: the real you and the real me.
You told me “I love you”
I said “It’s about time” leaving my glass of wine and walking away. For good. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Belen Zubillaga

Lightning strikes evertime I laugh, which is most of the times. In my experience, timing is a b*tch.

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