She Is A Goddess

woman holding string lights
Rhett Wesley / Unsplash

She is a goddess, she who knows where she stands on this Earth; she comes back, each time she feels lost, to the sacred ground and roots that feed her.

She is a goddess, she who explores the sensual depths of her body; she knows there is no one who can define her sexuality and sensuality for her. She holds these rights.

She is a goddess, she who feels guts whispers; she practices discernment of what rumbles in fear and what in truth.

She is a goddess, she who loves truly, madly, and deeply; she accepts — and expects — the same depth of love in return.

She is a goddess, she who is not ashamed of the way her voice trembles; she finds strength in the way she speaks out loud despite the tremor.

She is a goddess, she who is not without fear of the consequences of her truth; though she knows she must share it anyway.

She is a goddess, she who knows the sound of the heart’s bellow; and she follows it, even when the path first wanders through trying pastures.

She is a goddess, she who knows things she can’t explain; but revels in, and trusts, the mystery of the voice within.

She is a goddess, she who embraces her totality; she showers herself and others with acceptance, unafraid of the darkness that comes alongside light.

She is a goddess, she who falls and gets back up; she has been through many moons and is not afraid of nature’s mystical cycles.

She is a goddess, she who looks into her own depths; she holds the courage to be vulnerable, raw, and honest.

She is a goddess, she who lives inside of you; in the lagoons within she rumbles, whispering words that tell you: she has been there all along. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Gillian Sanger

Lover of the woods and words

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