This Is Why She’s Strong

This Is Why She's Strong

She’s strong because she persistently fights with her anxiety every single day of her life. She hears voices that tell her that she’s not enough and that she shouldn’t speak up. She’s been told she’s weak and yet pushes herself to be resilient to face every setback.

She has deep and lonely eyes. She has low self-esteem. She feels inferior all the time. And still finds a way to forget how her anxiety is molding her and lift herself up in any way she possibly can.

She’s uncomfortable being with plenty of people around her. She’s afraid of what other people might think. She’s terrified of being judged by her actions and words. But still finds the strength to get out from her bed and to socialize with other people, to show off that sparkling smile that hides all the uncertainties and the weight she carries inside her chest.

She’s strong because she speaks out her mind and emotions even when her voice is wobbly, even if she thinks she might overshare a certain matter. She shows up even when it’s awkward and difficult for her.

She certainly gets to do what she has to do. Goes to work early, finishes her tasks, and makes sure she gets all the shit done before ending the day.

She’s easily distracted by the people around her, losing all her focus and confidence. But she finds a way to ignore it. And continue to push herself to focus on everything that should be done and on what’s important.

She mastered the art of admitting she was wrong when she’s perfectly right, and to keep herself cool every day even while she burns.

She’s an independent woman but sometimes she yearns someone to accompany her. She puts too much effort into everything. She’s exhausted and yet she chooses to continue the journey even when she’s already at the edge of giving up.

She doesn’t want anxiety to control her life. She refuses hesitations and being terrified. She forbids negativity surpass the optimist in her.

Of course sometimes she fails but she never let herself down. She has weakness that she uses as a tool so she can be strong more than she was before. She cries a lot and always breaks down but that doesn’t end there. She keeps on lifting herself up and she’s always learning from everything she went through.

She’s a strong girl because she takes her anxiety as an instrument to be braver. She always has difficult times, but she always passes through it. She’s always under pressure, writhing and fighting. But at the end of every battle, she’s always victorious. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Claudia Caabay

words, music and art junkie :)

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