25 Men Share Their True, Sickening Tales Of Being Raped By Women

25 Men Share Their True, Sickening Tales Of Being Raped By Women
Malik Earnest
Found on AskReddit.

1. A GF (at the time) of mine once drugged my drink.

“A GF (at the time) of mine once drugged my drink. Later, I vaguely remembered going to see a movie and getting head in the theater, but the rest is a blur.

I honestly didn’t remember it at all, at first. The only way I even suspected was the next night when we went to see a movie and I suggested [a movie] and she said we saw that last night. I had no idea. She later said she’d drugged me and thought it would be fun. I asked her if she had fun and she said yes. That combined with the fact that I would have consented to sex that night anyways made me get over it. But I would not have consented to the drugs. I don’t do drugs and rarely get drunk to the level of low self-control so it was a very disturbing experience to me.

Needless to say, she’s is an ex-GF, and it was a very unhealthy relationship.”


2. The oldest one made me lick her sister’s vagina and she eventually forced me to penetrate her sister.

“I was 11 years old when it happened. I was at my neighbor’s house for the weekend, they were babysitting me while my mum and dad were away working. They had two daughters, one was 14 and the other one 16 and they forced me to undress in front of them, saying it was a ‘game.’ They made me undress and when I was only in my boxers I didn’t want to ‘play’ anymore. That made them angry and they started ridiculing me, hitting me, pinching me, the oldest one would bite me as well.

They eventually dragged me to their room and pinned me down on one of their beds and that’s when it became a lot more sexual. They were forcibly kissing me, the oldest one made me lick her sister’s vagina and she eventually forced me to penetrate her sister. If I stopped moving, she’d hit me hard on the head and then force me to continue. I remember she had this pencil she would stick in my anus if she thought I cried too much.

This abuse continued for a few years. My mum saw all the bruising/bite marks but whenever she asked I just came up with a bullshit excuse. The oldest girl told me that if I told anyone she’d tell the authorities and have us all deported. I knew my family were refugees in a new country, so I believed her. I didn’t know that I was raped until I grew older. I was put in therapy for issues resulting from those experiences, and that’s when I found out that what they did was rape.

I’m still going to therapy and I still have a lot of issues as a result of that abuse. I had severe trust issues when it came to women, but through therapy it was gotten better. I wasn’t able to talk to women at all, but I am able to befriend women. I’m only capable of trusting/interacting with women from a different race than my abusers though. But it’s progress.”


3. I woke up the next morning very groggy and panicked when I realized what happened.

“This happened last year. I had just started dating a girl a couple of weeks before, we’ll call her Alice. Things were going great. My birthday was on a Sunday, and Alice has some good friends (sorta my friends too) throwing a party Saturday night. Alice and I are drinking, talking to her friends, having a great time. Midnight hits, and I proceed to indulge myself in a few too many shots of spiced rum with Alice’s best friend. Best friend has a lower tolerance than I do and proceeds to start throwing up in the toilet. Alice and I start trying to help, but I’m clearly far too drunk to be of any assistance at all. Alice tells me to go back to the party and have a fun birthday. I start talking to this girl, we’ll call her Cindy. Cindy is a friend of Alice’s and knows that we’re dating (found this out later, but Cindy had some sort of deep-seated hatred of Alice that comes into play here). I’m too drunk to realize what she’s doing, but she keeps force-feeding me shots, and I blacked out. Woke up later in my room to Cindy, completely naked, who had just finished riding me.

Cindy, who was sober, gets dressed and leaves. I passed out right after. I woke up the next morning very groggy and panicked when I realized what happened. When I checked my phone to call Alice and talk to her, she had already left me a voicemail. Cindy had already told Alice what happened, manipulating the story to say that I had asked Cindy to have sex and that she ‘would want to know if I had a guy do something like this’ (cheat). Alice and I talked that afternoon, and she said she never wanted to speak to me again. I confronted Cindy about it a couple of weeks later. She laughed in my face, and said she wanted me to ‘cheat’ on Alice to screw her over.

Tl;dr: was sexually assaulted/raped so a girl could get petty revenge over the girl I was dating.”


4. My roommates came home and walked in on her, on top of a passed-out me. This lady was big. Like, bigger-than-me big.

“It was my birthday. I organized an outing with my friends (men and women) and met everyone at my place before venturing down the road to some bars. One of my friends brought this lady along who seemed alright at first but was extremely…aggressive. Like the type of person who enjoyed picking fights and getting loud for no reason.

The night carries on as any bar outing would go, and I’m enjoying myself quite well at this point but this Aggro Lady (as I’ll refer to her) kept trying to get me to take shots with her. I was drunk at this point and since she kept buying, I kept agreeing. Silly me.

I don’t remember much after that, but when I came to she was on top of me in my room and in that brief moment I knew I didn’t want whatever was going on, but more importantly I realized I didn’t have a condom on (which is a HUGE no-no for me, I always wear one. Terrified of having an accidental kid). I passed out a moment later.

I woke up to hard knocks on my apartment door. I was hung over, like really hungover. I answer the door in my haziness and it’s my friend and that Aggro Lady. Immediately they burst into my apartment and start to explain the night prior. The first thing she says is, ‘I did not rape you.’

Confused, I went back to lay down and the two of them followed me into my room. My friend (another lady) was trying to be super calm with me, but Aggro Lady kept yelling and telling me that my roommates lied to me and that nothing happened.

Eventually, I ask my friend to take the Aggro Lady and leave, because I was starting to remember a few things and was getting uncomfortable. Aggro Lady wouldn’t leave and kept saying ‘I’ll make it up to you, let’s grab breakfast’ but I was having none of it. Finally, I yelled for them to leave and they did.

My roommates came in to give me the lowdown on what happened and I was in shock. Apparently, Aggro Lady walked me home, ahead of the rest of the group. Got my keys and told everyone that she would ‘Make sure I got to bed alright,’ but apparently that meant taking advantage of a passed-out birthday boy. My roommates came home and walked in on her, on top of a passed-out me. This lady was big. Like, bigger-than-me big. And to this day I don’t find bigger women attractive. Took both my roommates to get her off since she was fighting them at the same time (probably would’ve been an interesting sight to see). To this day I get uncomfortable around bigger women. I have nothing against them, but knowing that someone could use their weight against me like that just makes me nauseated. Thankfully my roommates and those who were involved all understood the severity of the situation and followed my decision of ‘Completely cutting off any connection to ‘Aggro Lady,’ sadly meaning one of my other friends.

I told a close friend the day after it happened and his reply was, ‘Dude, guys can’t get raped. You just hooked up with an uggo.’ Fantastic. Apparently, I’m a liar, too.

It’s been a few years but I still get flashes of images that…aren’t pretty. And if you’re wondering, yes I got checked several times after and am clean.”


5. Most of the trip back I was being sexually assaulted in the back seat by the smelly girl.

“Fraternity rush party in my freshman year of college. For some reason, the fraternity rushed later in the year than others as part of the agreement with the other Greek organizations on campus. Halloween in January or some such theme. We were all costumed. At some point my drink got drugged. I’m not sure if it was actually meant for me or if I picked up someone else’s drink by accident.

At some point I realized I was incredibly hot all over even though it was probably 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and I was outside most of the time. I just kind of left pieces of my costume around as I was looking for the people I came with. Apparently they had already bailed. I hadn’t actually drunk that much but I didn’t have a lot of control over my body. Memory is also a little shoddy from that night.

So one of the frat brothers got me a ride back with a group that was leaving and I got tossed in the back seat with a girl with what became apparent was pretty terrible hygiene. She had a very distinct smell about her I will never forget.

Anyway, the trip back to town was a long one. The party had been out in farm land so that there wouldn’t be complaints from neighbors especially since there were drugs and a lot of underage drinking. Most of the trip back I was being sexually assaulted in the back seat by the smelly girl. Just to be clear, I did tell her I wasn’t interested, multiple times. I remember at one point, the guy driving said something about me being seemingly half-conscience, but his girlfriend said either, ‘let her have fun’ or ‘let them have fun,’ hard to remember.

At some point we ran out of gas, and the driver walked to the station to get some fuel. During that point the girl assaulting me called someone. I was slowly gaining motor control and everything became more coherent. Not enough that I was able to do much but enough that I could understand the conversation. She became upset that some other woman had answered the phone when it was a guy she was calling. She had a crush or something on this guy, but ‘that whore’ was in his room. I’m assuming it was some kind of Nice Girl situation. It became kind of obvious she and the drivers girlfriend saw me as some kind of sacrifice to appease smelly’s broken heart. Most of the rest of the trip was her holding my hand and trying to snuggle up next to me and complaining about ‘the whore.’

Once we finally got back to campus, probably five hours after I started suffering from the drugging, I was just coordinated enough to sneak off while they were occupied. Wasn’t that hard with a full parking lot of trucks to duck through.

My roommate could tell something was wrong when I got into the room but I wouldn’t let him take me to the hospital like he wanted. I never reported it. About two years later, the frat was disbanded its members expelled, and a few brought up on criminal charges for date-raping several young women.”


6. Immediately after I said ‘I told you I didn’t want to do that.’

“I was super drunk and had gone back to my place with a girl who I’d be friendly with, just we hadn’t had sex up until that point. We start fooling around which started with her blowing me and then I went to get the good ole trusty jimmy hat. I start pumping away for like 20 minutes but the whiskey dick was strong that evening and I was basically feeling nothing. I had just given up and was really drunk at this point. She said ‘take the condom off’ to which I said ‘fuck no.’ She kept insisting that it would feel better and trying to entice me with things like ‘you can cum on my face.’” Well mind you I was really drunk and I just kept saying no. She asked if I had anything (disease) and I said no. I laid down and again I was really drunk and she took the condom off and got on top of me. I would eventually cum (not in her) but immediately after I said ‘I told you I didn’t want to do that.’ I was really pissed off about it and made her take a morning after pill the next day. I felt extremely violated and we didn’t really hang out or ever hook up again after that. Idk if it was a full-on rape, but it felt a little rapey to me. I didn’t feel good about myself the next day.”


7. She pretty much flat-out told me ‘If you don’t have sex with me while you’re here, as soon as you leave I’m going to hang myself.’

“When I was 17, my 16- year-old girlfriend raped me. I was uncomfortable with the idea of sex because I was a hyper introverted, awkward person. It was a long-distance relationship, and she was extremely manipulative. She told me, after I mentioned I’d gotten my first car, that if I didn’t come see her during the summer, she’d kill herself. I drove nearly 800 miles, across five states to meet her because of that. I lied to my family and said that I was just going with some friends to a nearby major US city instead for a week.

I was already uncomfortable with the whole thing to begin with, and honestly should have called it off then and there, but I didn’t. I drove to see her. When I got there, she’d booked an AirBnB with her older sister’s info (Her older sister, mid 20s, was okay with this whole thing). We hung out all day and eventually ended up back there. I said something along the lines of ‘I’ll sleep on the floor.’ Just trying to kind of distance myself and keep that whole ‘situation’ from developing any further. Again, I was extremely, extremely introverted. I’m not autistic or anything, but physical contact was just something I was really uncomfortable with at that point.

She pretty much flat-out told me ‘If you don’t have sex with me while you’re here, as soon as you leave I’m going to hang myself.’

Again, I should have just left, but it was an extremely manipulative, emotionally abusive relationship. I think somewhere I knew she wouldn’t do that if I just left, but thanks to a long relationship of threats like this and manipulation, I was convinced I ‘had’ to go through with it.

So I did. I pretended like I was into it, but really I was just trying not to freak out.

I came back three more times before I finally convinced myself that even if it technically wasn’t rape, I had sex against my consent, and that the relationship was unhealthy. I won’t be checking the messages on this account, so don’t bother messaging me and telling me that I’m ‘a weak excuse for a man’ or that ‘it wasn’t rape because you didn’t say no.’

That’s my story. I don’t know if it was actually rape or not. Frankly I dont care. A bad person took advantage of me and I’ve been pretty messed up ever since.”


8. She started to repeat while she was rocking on top of me, ‘I need a baby, I need a baby.’

“When I was 15 visiting my brother, my ex sister-in-law came into the living room where I was sleeping on the couch. She was completely naked and laid on top of me and massaged my penis though my boxers. She quickly inserted me into herself when I was hard. She started to repeat while she was rocking on top of me, ‘I need a baby, I need a baby.’ Luckily one part of my sex crazed brain said ‘Please don’t screw up my life.’ She jumped off before I came.

Never told my brother, I was dumb and 15. She was arrested a couple months later for flashing a neighbor kid. They divorced soon afterward.”


9. She basically grabbed my dick and slid me inside.

“I have posted this before and was effectively told I wasn’t raped, but here goes.

One of my girlfriends in high school. I had made it clear from the beginning of our relationship that I didn’t feel I was ready to start having sex.

At some point we were getting frisky, so very little clothing. She basically grabbed my dick and slid me inside. I was torn. It did feel good, but it was not what I wanted. I wasn’t sure what to do. She started moving her hips. I felt myself edging and pulled out. No condom, she was not on the birth control.

That effectively led to the end of our relationship.”


10. I woke up around 11 in the morning with a splitting headache and no idea where I was. She was walking around naked and was easily 300 pounds.

“I was a serious binge drinker when I was younger, and would regularly get blackout drunk before getting a cab home from the bars on the weekends. One Halloween I was headed home just trashed, and I had to share a cab with a few other people. There was a stop and one very large girl my age got out at her house, and then started helping me out.

I knew who she was; we had gone to high school together but had never really had a conversation. I was sober enough to know this wasn’t right or my house, but the cab had already left before I had really registered my situation. She walked me into her house and laid me down in her bed, then got us both naked. I don’t remember much, but I was only 22 at the time and had only been drinking for around a year, but I was able to get an erection, even if I could barely stand. I have no idea if she used a condom.

I woke up around 11 in the morning with a splitting headache and no idea where I was. She was walking around naked and was easily 300 pounds. She was completely infatuated, she said she was ‘so lucky you chose me last night, it was magical.’ I didn’t really know what to say, I just got dressed and got out as fast as possible. This meant that I was stumbling home violently hung over in half a zombie costume right through the main and only road in our small town.

Afterwards she repeatedly messaged me on Facebook saying she was available for booty calls, but I never responded.

I got tested a few days later and it came out negative. For a while I felt used and violated. The weird thing is, everyone ever thinks I’m just embarrassed to have slept with this particular person.

Now, I actually like big girls, that’s not a hangup of mine. And usually people say if you can get an erection then it’s not rape, but every guy has had an inconvenient erection, especially when they were young.

But I didn’t want or ask for any of this. In the end though, it never really haunted me, and I don’t think about it hardly at all anymore.”


11. Before I knew what was happening she climbed on top of me, no protection, and proceeded with insertion.

“I went over to her house. I agreed to fool around but didn’t want to actually have sex, so she said she would just give me a blowjob. Before I knew what was happening she climbed on top of me, no protection, and proceeded with insertion…I just laid there…she later told a mutual friend it was a mind blowing amazing sex…I disagreed.”


12. She started kicking me and punching me and slamming my head on the toilet.

“I did shrooms for the first time when I was 19. I was at a small party with my then girlfriend. I drank a bunch and smoked some weed. Needless to say I was pretty fucked-up. We went to bed in a guest room at about 6am and started fooling around a little bit. After fooling around a little bit I started getting really nauseated. I ran to the bathroom to throw up. As I was puking my guts out she came in and started screaming at me for not having sex with her. She got verbally abusive quite a lot. This time she started kicking me and punching me and slamming my head on the toilet. It seemed like it was happening for hours because I was all fucked up still. After I finally got done I just wanted to go to sleep but she shoved me out of the bed and told me I had to have sex with her to get in. I was so distraught that I did it. At the time the sex didn’t really stand out as being the particularly traumatic part, but a few years later it started to bother me more. I think it significantly contributed to my later alcoholism, and damaged a lot of my romantic relationships. I’ve come to terms with it more recently.”


13. She clarified her position by stating that if I didn’t put out she would claim that I raped her.

“First time sharing this story publicly, but in college I had a girl come over to do some homework. After I finished my essay and told her I was going to sleep for an exam or something the next day, she explained that she didn’t come over and stay until two in the morning to just do homework.

After a bit of back and forth over this apparent miscommunication, she clarified her position by stating that if I didn’t put out she would claim that I raped her. Assumption of guilt being on the man with Title IX cases and such, against my will it didn’t seem like a worthwhile argument.

When we got into the act, she complained that it didn’t seem like I was into it (no shit) and I slept on my couch while she slept in my bed. I went to class the next morning, and she was gone when I came home.”


14. I explicitly said ‘no I don’t want to have sex’ multiple times, which was never an acceptable answer.

“I’ve had a similar thing happen with two different girlfriends, I’m not sure if it really constitutes rape but I know I was pretty rattled afterwards.

On both occasions we were in bed but I didn’t want to have sex, to the point where I just wasn’t getting hard. I explicitly said ‘no I don’t want to have sex’ multiple times, which was never an acceptable answer. It went the same way both times, where they would forcibly attempt to undress me, then undress themselves and try to force me to touch them, either by grabbing my hands and placing them somewhere or by shoving their breasts in my face, trying to sit on my face, etc. …I’m considerably stronger than both of these women so I didn’t try to fight too hard for fear of hurting them, but it would get to a point where I would turn away and they would try to claw me back to face them, or jump on top of me and try to grab my dick, and I’d actually be real worried that I would have to get physical to put a stop to what was happening, then eventually decided it was better to just give in.

The thing is, I had a very healthy sexual relationship with these women. One was drunk, one was sober, neither would take no for an answer.

Sorry if this was confusing to read, both events were so similar that I figured I could describe them both simultaneously. They happened about 10 months apart.”


15. I wake up a few hours later and Jackie is riding on top of me. I threw her off of me and told her to get out. Everyone ran in after hearing the commotion and just started laughing.

“It was a friend of mine’s birthday party and we rented a nice house on a lake. There were about 25 of us there, and we’d all been friends for years. One of the girls, Jackie, had had a crush on me for years. We would casually flirt when we drank and that was it. I always made it clear to her I didn’t want to hook up or date.

Anyways, I get way to drunk the second night and my buddy ends up putting me into one of the beds. I wake up a few hours later and Jackie is riding on top of me. I threw her off of me and told her to get out. Everyone ran in after hearing the commotion and just started laughing. We never talk about it and I just avoid hanging out with her. Shit sucked and really fucked with me. I get anxiety anytime I have to stay out somewhere after I’ve been drinking now.”


16. I broke down crying uncontrollably. She just told me to shut up and continue.

“My experience occurred over winter break away from my university with my then girlfriend at the time. Over the entire relationship with this girl I was extremely depressed and suicidal. When I was in one of the lowest moments of my life, she came over. I was pretty much in the fetal position in my bedroom when she came bursting in and began trying to hold me. I was okay with that. Then she said she was really horny and wanted to have sex. I said I couldn’t. All I wanted was to die. Being held was helping, but she wanted more. After begging for another 20 minutes, I said okay while wiping tears from my face. Then as soon as we started, I broke down crying uncontrollably. She just told me to shut up and continue. At this time I just put my clothes back on and left the room to cry by myself in the bathroom. She kept texting me to let her in, but I refused. After I calmed down, I went back out and she apologized.

I’ve discussed this with one of my close female friends who has been sexually assaulted and has issues even today, and she feels that what happened to me counts as sexual assault or at least extreme pressuring.”


17. It was really weird, I was just out of it and she kept whispering ‘good boy, be quiet.’

“In college I got falling over drunk, not black out drunk because I remember everything, but the type of drunk that once you are able to lay down you don’t have the strength to get up and my friends roommate sucked my dick and fucked me. It was really weird, I was just out of it and she kept whispering ‘good boy, be quiet’ which was the worst part of it tbh. I likely would have consented if given the opportunity, but I wasn’t so that’s rape.”


18. I lost my virginity to rape.

“I lost my virginity to rape.

It was right before I turned 17. It was basically a small party, and my male friend was the only other person I had met prior to that day.

Long story short, I ended up rather drunk, and a chick at the party took advantage of the situation. She was 6-8 years older than me, and where we lived, I couldn’t have legally consented due to my intoxication even without the age issue.

Additionally, I asked about a condom right before she sat on it. She flashed a condom and told me she would put it on…well, she didn’t. As a 16-year-old drunk overwhelmed person I was pretty horrified when I figured that out.

Yes, I was a horny teen guy. But no, I was not interested in her, and would not have let things happen under different circumstances. This was years ago, and it’s not some terrible traumatic thing I think about much, but I was kinda in shock for a couple days after that.

Edit: and in the morning she informed me she had a fun time, but she was just fucking around to get back at her boyfriend/baby daddy who had pissed her off.

Finding out I wasn’t wearing a condom was the worst part. Other than the multiple showers it took to get the smell off.”


19. I vaguely remember the feeling of my clothes being taken off but not knowing what was happening to me.

“I was assaulted in high school by an ex-girlfriend at a party. She made sure everyone kept me drinking when I was already too far gone and then somehow got me alone and into her bedroom. (The party was at her house.) I vaguely remember the feeling of my clothes being taken off but not knowing what was happening to me. Afterwards, she told me that she didn’t care that I was dating someone else. I guess she thought she owned me or something. I’m still not sure what it was all about.”


20. She starts shoving her hands in my pants and tries to get me to pull them down, etc., etc.

“When I was 9-10 I made friends with a girl in my neighborhood who was around the same age. Next thing you know we go over to her family’s friend’s house to play in his huge garden. She starts shoving her hands in my pants and tries to get me to pull them down, etc., etc. Since I had no friends at the time I was just letting her do it. After that, she’d barge in on me while I was pissing or shitting…She moved away and not too long ago, it hit me that she’s half of the reason why I don’t exactly like the opposite sex.”


21. I said no, she kept going, it hurt.

“I said no, she kept going, it hurt. Kinda lost my mind over the next two months, looked for help online and just found other people screaming themselves hoarse into the void.

Mentioned it to my psychiatrist, she said I was lucky. Saw a therapist about it and got told flatly that it was my fault and I should accept responsibility for making her want to rape me, I should be ashamed of making her feel bad for doing that.

Still stuck living with her, sleeping in the same bed as her, staying with her family that just absolutely hates my guts ’cause she’s upset now. End up being admitted to a mental health center in a different city because I’m so done with the ones in my home town.

Literally everyone that either of us has told about this is of the opinion that she did nothing wrong. Fucking doctor told her ‘no the non-consensual sex you forced him to have doesn’t count as rape, quit feeling bad about it.’ I’ve got one friend that genuinely helped me through this, listened to me, and was understanding. She’s a keeper.

After effects ~six months in, I’ve basically come completely undone mentally. There’s days I can’t even leave the house ’cause I just can’t stand being exposed and interacting with humanity now. All the drive, energy, spirit, creativity, whatever you wanna call it is just gone. I can barely even make conversation now. Sex is a whirlwind of disgust and revulsion. It was always weird and anxiety provoking but fuck at least it used to be fun sometimes. Now it’s just another weird thing that bothers me.

Sometimes I have to tell myself to just focus on surviving. Just stay alive, it’ll get better and you can go on living. It’s been a very long time since I last felt like I was doing anything except surviving, I don’t know how much longer I can keep doing this…”


22. If roles were reversed, I’d probably be in jail.

“Basically when I was around 17/18 I was at an older friend’s house for a party. I was supposed to be staying in the spare bedroom that night but got chatting to a girl (friend of a friend) at the party who was also going to be spending the night and offered her the bed and said I would take the couch.

The party died at some point around 4-5am and everyone left. I fell asleep on the couch and got woken up about an hour later with the girl going down on me. First of all I want to say that I thought it was awesome and we had sex on the couch, I still smile when I think about it. She was a 9/10. That being said, if roles were reversed and I had snuck into the room, pulled down her underwear and started whistling to the tuna I’d probably be in jail.”


23. I was around nine or ten, she was my babysitter.

“I was around nine or ten, she was my babysitter. I had no idea what was happening, but I felt odd about it. Told my parents, they promptly flipped shit. Babysitter went to counseling and I was told to never mention it again.”


24. I didn’t want to hurt her, but I also wasn’t strong enough to just push her off me, so my options were to lay there and let her do her thing…or get physically violent to force her off.

“I had a girlfriend in high school, we were both 17 or 18 at the time, I can’t remember really. Sex was a pretty regular thing for us, but one day I was feeling a little ‘off.’ Sick, tired, phasing in and out of consciousness.

Anyway, she starts taking my pants off and I’m telling her ‘No, I’m not in the mood.’ She gets me hard, you know, since a little soft rubbing will do that to you…and I tell her, ‘I said no.’

But she starts going at me. Now the thing is, this girl weighed about twice as much as me, but was also pretty frail in the sense that she bruised really easily, and I was/am a twig with no muscles. So I didn’t want to hurt her, but I also wasn’t strong enough to just push her off me, so my options were to lay there and let her do her thing…or get physically violent to force her off—since she wasn’t listening to me saying ‘no.’

I didn’t want to get violent…so I just let it happen. I already said no multiple times, that should have been enough. She got her kicks, I dropped a load and passed out for the rest of the day. At least when I woke up there was some food and water waiting for me to help me ‘feel better.’

I’m glad it wasn’t violent but it was still rape.”


25. She would actually call me ‘sex body…You’re just good for sex, your body is just good for sex.’

“I was 13 and my best friend that year was Rick, and Rick had a sister who was 19, she would visit from college that was like an hour away in Santa Barbara. And Rebecca was HOT. Perfect round and perky C cups and a body and ass to die for. I was a virgin until I met her.

We were okay video games at his house the first time I met her, she came home and I said hi and she was nice, nothing special. They had s big house with lots of kids around, so you could be gone for a while and no one would wonder, bc there were lots of things to do, and rich people are kinda careless and clueless about others in their house anyways

One day a buncha friends were over and his sister happened to be there too. As I was going to the bathroom, I was passing the laundry room, and she was in their doing laundry. She was wearing a loose tank top and some tight booty shorts that showed the bottom of her ass cheeks. ASI walked by she called my name, and I came in, she smiled and me and just grabbed my hand and put it on her breast. I, being the horny teenager I was, who looked at porn, knew what was going on. She took my other hand and placed it on her punani, but on top of the shorts. I didn’t say anything, but I started to rub. She asked me if I liked it, I don’t know if I said anything.

Now for the next three years things began to escalate. I didn’t know how to be with a woman, she was a sweet BEAUTIFUL girl, but treated me like a toy. A month or so later, we were all playing hide and seek, and we went into the closet to hide from the others. I didn’t think anything of it, but then she started to kiss me. This is my first kiss. We would do a lot of kissing in the closet. It got more sexual and aggressive like 6 months later.

I went over to see if my friend was home and it was his sister and the dad. The dad was somewhere in the house, and the sister opened the door. She took me to her room, pulled down her pants, and had me start kissing her. She held my hair locked in her fingers and would guide my head to where she wanted me to kiss, then to lick. The. She would rag doll my head when she wanted more. For a 13-year-old, I’d never done anything like this before. It was hot, I liked her, but I didn’t know what I was doing.

This was the extend of how she would just start ‘using me.’ She would actually call me ‘sex body…You’re just good for sex, your body is just good for sex.’ I didn’t notice at first, but she was sexually aggressive and dominating. She had to take control and over power me. She wouldn’t be happy unless she ‘used me.’

It never went to sex, but if I was ever at that house and she was there, she would find some way to get me alone, to rag doll my face in between her legs or her ass. It was exciting and sexy and made me nervous and I didn’t know how to feel, but I was happy that she was so pretty.

Bc this was happening, I never was able to develop any relationships with girls my age in high schools, and that was the only girl attention I was getting. After it ended when I was 16, I still didn’t go after any of the girls in school. I ended up losing my virginity at 25. I think it has to do with her.

I feel grateful for having such a hot first ‘girlfriend’ although she wasn’t, but I guess I’m detached and can’t make any real connections. I don’t Feel it’s rape, cause it was awesome, but I get that I was too young.

I lost contact with that friend as we grew up, so I went over less and then never went over, so I never saw her again.”

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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