If You Want Her To Stay, Show Her How Much She Means To You

couple laying together
Toa Heftiba

Every girl’s dream is to have a perfect relationship, just like the movies. They all get their hopes up and become hopeless romantics waiting for the right one to come along.

But there’s no such thing as perfect. Girls don’t expect you to bring the moon and stars just to prove them you love them. They only wanted to be taken care of.

Girls don’t want those six pack abs and good looking faces. They want substance, not form. They want someone who they can talk to about their goals and dreams until three in the morning. They want someone they can talk to after they had a bad dream who can tell them, “Hey, it’s alright, it was just a dream.”

Girls don’t want those sugar coated words and promises. Don’t make them hold on to something if you can’t hold them back. Words are nothing if your actions show nothing. Even the simplest effort can bring smile to their faces.

Girls don’t want those Valentino shoes and Gucci bags. Not all girls are materialistic. They want something real, something they can show the world and be proud of.

Girls don’t want to be a trophy. They want to be loved for who they are, not for what they are. They are not shiny things that you can just show off to others.

Girls dream of those tiny details. They want to be heard and listened to. They want the truth. They want reality, not make believe. They don’t want material things as proof that you love them.

They want you to make them feel how much you care for them. Girls just want to love, and to be loved. Even if it takes every day, all they need is constant assurance of how much they mean to you.

Girls don’t ask too much. It doesn’t cost anything to make her stay. She just wants you and your love. Have you ever thought about that? Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Cathleen Jane V. Anasco

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