How To Spot A Killer: 35 Relatives And Friends Of Murderers Reveal The Red Flags

"He was a really nice guy, but I remember seeing him maybe once or twice a year just snap and go to this other place in his head."


Found on AskReddit.

1. He tortured any living thing he got his hands on, including me.

“There were a million red flags. Abusing me, abusing his mother, accusing me of cheating when I wasn’t allowed to leave the house, have a phone, or talk to anyone, killing every animal he’d bring home because he thought it was funny. I had woken up to animal entrails strewn across the kitchen multiple times.

He tortured any living thing he got his hands on, including me.

There were a few times where he had taken his .45, pointed it at me, and told me that I had to guess if it was loaded or not. It always was. He’d pull the trigger back slightly while it was aimed at me and then point it somewhere in the house and pull it fully, firing the bullet. Then he’d laugh and tell me how lucky I was to still be alive and that I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for him.”

2. A flat-out creepy-as-fuck look in his eyes.

“Crime: Young man murdered then raped 5yo he was baby sitting.
Red Flags: As a child had fits of rage for no apparent reason, killed and dismembered small animals, punched a tree till he broke his arm, and a flat-out creepy-as-fuck look in his eyes. Major drug and alcohol problems as a young adult. Sad part is, he was physically and sexually abused as an infant before he was adopted at the age of 3. The damage had been done.”

3. He was a really nice guy but I remember seeing him maybe once or twice a year just snap and go to this other place in his head.

Went to high school with a guy who stabbed a guy in the head and killed him. He was a really nice guy but I remember seeing him maybe once or twice a year just snap and go to this other place in his head. Usually a good guy, but there was a psycho in there somewhere that was trying to get out.