16 Incredible Photos Of Cupcakes That Break The Status Quo

Be prepared to drool over these luscious cupcakes! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

1. My wife thinks they looks good

image - Flickr / Frédéric BISSON
image – Flickr / Frédéric BISSON

2. She didn’t like this one so much

image - Flickr / Jolette Roodt
image – Flickr / Jolette Roodt

3. We loved the colors on this one

image - Flickr / Eva Blue
image – Flickr / Eva Blue

4. I like the colors on this

image - Flickr / lamantin
image – Flickr / lamantin

5. My wife said she’d love to have those in her mouth!

image - Flickr / lamantin
image – Flickr / lamantin

6. She said something like, “Why didn’t we have cupcakes for our wedding?”

image - Flickr / lamantin
image – Flickr / lamantin

7. Ah, she didn’t know what was on this one

image - Flickr / Frédéric BISSON
image – Flickr / Frédéric BISSON

8. “I love marshmallows, but not on a cupcake.” Her words, not mine

image - Flickr / Coletivo Mambembe
image – Flickr / Coletivo Mambembe

9. She just glared at me and said, “You’d eat all of those if we had them around the house!”

image - Flickr / Marcel van Schooten
image – Flickr / Marcel van Schooten

10. “Oh, the kids would love those!”

image - Flickr / nicole danielson
image – Flickr / nicole danielson

11. Something tells me that my wife would love this one

image - Flickr / Eva Blue
image – Flickr / Eva Blue

12. “I love funfetti, you know that!” (Referring to image above.) These are from Magnolia Bakery, that cupcake shop in New York City

image - Flickr / Ralph Daily
image – Flickr / Ralph Daily

13. My wife says she loves the hearts — I don’t care, it’s candy

image - Flickr / Luci Correia
image – Flickr / Luci Correia

14. “That looks so moist!”

image - Flickr / Stephen Nakatani
image – Flickr / Stephen Nakatani

15. I’d love this for my birthday (Me)

image - Flickr / amy gizienski
image – Flickr / amy gizienski

16. My wife loves oreos. She’ll go crazy for this one. I’ve pinned it on our Pinterest board

image - Flickr / Heather & Tim
image – Flickr / Heather & Tim

About the author

Brian Gates

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