BOYS: The Acclaimed HBO Series

Boys is a highly anticipated new television series that will premiere on cable networks across the country sometime in the near future. 

The show will examine the lives of four friends who have just graduated from college and are attempting to make it big in the culture capital of Brooklyn, USA. As representatives of the entire 20-something male population, Hamish, Dillon, Beanbag, and Myron come from mostly functional, Caucasian, middle- to upper class families. In an attempt to include more diversity, the show’s producers have even thrown in a few minority characters — such as someone with a gluten allergy.  

Their misadventures through dating, Netflix marathons, and Seamless-fueled hangovers are such that anyone navigating his or her way through the traumas of post-grad life can relate.  

Hamish, Dillon, and Myron might not be the faces of a generation, but they most certainly believe they are. 

Check them out here, as well as spoilers for the season to come.  

1. Hamish

Hamish graduated from an elite university that made several “Top 25” lists last year — a fact that he never fails to bring up while meeting new people. These days, he works at a company in the city that belongs to a man who frequents the same country club as his grandfather. He likes to think of himself as someone who has a lot of ambition but would never step on the underdogs while making his way to the top.  

Like everything else in his life, Hamish’s girlfriend June is just right. She is adept at wearing pearls and looking blonde in pictures — requisites that make her “prime wifey material,” as his older brothers would say. However, Hamish has realized lately that he is no longer attracted to her in the same way. Instead, he finds himself becoming increasingly drawn to the waitress who works at the sandwich shop below his office. She moonlights as an artist, smokes Parliaments during her break, hates the word “hipster,” and quotes obscure philosophers — like Nietzsche and Sartre. Therefore, she is unlike anyone Hamish has ever met. 

This season, viewers will roll their eyes as Hamish faces the challenge of choosing between predictability and more predictability. 

2. Dillon  

Dillon changes his Twitter bio roughly twice a week. He is concerned about how he presents his personal brand to his merry band of (147) followers. At the last party he attended, he told a girl he was interested in, “Yeah, so I’m a writer. I blog for this ‘thing’ called NPR. Do you know what NPR is?” He wonders why his romantic life isn’t as thriving as he thinks it should be. For the last couple of years, Dillon has relied on his parents’ generosity for necessities like IKEA furniture, craft beer, and rent. This has given him the freedom to work on his passion project — a book of personal essays. 

Much to his surprise, Dillon’s parents have recently announced that they’re scaling back the amount of money they send him each month. They expect him to get a job. Ugh. To appease them, he turns in an application at the organic coffee shop two blocks away from his apartment. He is outraged that they don’t hire him — even though he has a college degree, what the hell? 

This season, viewers will cringe as Dillon manages the difficulties of transitioning into semi-blown adulthood. 

3. Beanbag  

Beanbag is smoother than his favorite drink, an appletini — light on the apple, heavy on the “tini”, shaken not stirred. Though he woos women with ease, he has severe commitment phobia — evidenced by the fact that he never texts back. However, what most don’t realize is that these intimacy issues arose because he once had his heart broken. Her name was Diana. She had black hair and wore fishnet stockings with rips down the sides. She was pretty “indie,” and he was infatuated with her. She told him she just wasn’t “feeling it” and started dating the captain of their college rugby team.  

One morning, Beanbag runs into Diana on his way to get dim sum. This is the first time he has seen her in quite some time. He didn’t even realize she now lives in the city. She greets him warmly and suggests that they catch up over coffee before hurrying off. Just like that, Beanbag has a meltdown right in the middle of Chinatown. Something needs to change, he realizes. 

This season, viewers will groan softly to themselves as Beanbag learns to get in touch with his own emotions. 

4. Myron  

Myron is a people-pleaser, a personality trait he developed after years of dealing with his parents. They currently do not like the fact that he lives in Brooklyn, where the chances that he will get shot, mugged, or abducted and sold to a crime ring somewhere are dangerously high. But, they recognize that their little nugget has grown up and that it is important for him to learn how to live on his own. However, his mother will not stop nagging him about his love life. 

Although he appreciates the concern, Myron has grown increasingly frustrated with the pressure she puts on him to take out their next-door neighbor’s daughter — who also lives in the city and is going to school to become a doctor.  The last straw comes when he finds out that his mother signed him up for an online dating website two weeks ago. Fed up, he tells hat he can manage his own love life — flashing the Tinder app on his phone at her. After that, they don’t speak for three days.  

This season, viewers will watch with quiet pity as Myron (unsuccessfully) distances himself from his parents and attempts to come into his own.  

Stay tuned! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Stephanie Karina

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