The Places I Will Love You

I will love you in Washington DC – the city of Presidents – because that’s where we met. You say it was fate and I say it was luck, but maybe it was a little bit of both. I will love you on the National Mall, in a hipster coffee shop, and in a basement apartment in a back alleyway. I will love you when we realize this city is a revolving door, and we decide to move somewhere else.

I will love you in Boston, the city where I grew up. I really lived in a suburb, but I tell people Boston to keep things simple. No one knows where a little town called Southborough is anyway. I will love you by the Commons, on a Duck Tour, and on the docks of the Harbor. I will love you on a Freedom Trail. I will love you during a Tea Party.

I will love you in Cleveland, the closest city to your suburban home. I will smile at you through mouthfuls of bratwurst at the West Side Market, and hate on Lebron James with everyone who hears his cursed name. I will love you while we shop with the Amish at Walmart and watch five-dollar movies with old people. I will love you while we rock out at a museum.

I will love you in Chicago, your old college town. I’ve heard so much about this city that I can’t wait to go together. I will love you at a Northwestern game, on the rocks by the water, and in a quiet library. I will love you by a giant bean. I will not endorse the University of Chicago. I will not put ketchup on my hot dog.

I will love you in Los Angeles, a city of starving artists. It seems so far away right now, but I believe we can go everywhere. I will love you at an In-and-Out Burger, eating tacos at Grand Central Market, and at The Last Bookstore. I will love you when we get forced to tip Superman because we decided to shake his hand when we exited the metro to Hollywood. I will love you during a Sharknado.

I will love you in Ireland, our dream vacation. Ever since you mentioned you wanted to travel here, my mind hasn’t stopped thinking about romantic travel plans for two. I will love you with a salty piece of corned beef, a hearty helping of cabbage, and a tall glass of stout. I will love you in a Gaelic Storm. I will love you when The Old Dun Cow catches fire.

I will love you where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. I will love you if we end up seeing all of these places or if see none of them. I will love you when I hold your hand, touch your hair, and kiss your lips. I will love you. I will love you. I will love you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Brian Wong

I was on a curling team for two years

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