16 Indications That You’ve Found Your Roommate Soulmate

1. You sleep in the same bed every night, even though there is another bed and a couch to sleep on. It just feels nice and totally normal to be near someone else in a completely non-sexual way. Also, one of your AC units broke, leaving you with very little options other than bunking up in the only cool room in the apartment.


2. When you order Thai food for the third night that week, there’s not an ounce of judgment. In fact, when she gets home and finds you on the couch in your underwear watching Entourage and eating dumplings, she wordlessly grabs a fork, digs in and even uncorks a bottle of wine for the both of you.

3. You can’t wait to get home. Even if all you’re going to do is sit around and paint your nails and watch a movie. Even if it involves a grueling free spinning class, you just can’t wait to be with your roomie at the end of the day.

image - Seinfeld
image – Seinfeld

4. When she is sad about something, you hear her out and let her wallow and vent. And the following evening when you’re the drunk girl crying on the E train at 2am, she does the same.


5. She doesn’t get mad or weirded out when you borrow her clothes without asking. She even compliments you and says you should wear it again, but maybe with a different skirt.

Mean Girls
Mean Girls

6. You learn to communicate without words. When on the hunt for a new apartment, you walk into an unoccupied room in an extremely unsafe and grotesque place and say, “Soo…” She shakes her head no. You shake your head yes in agreement. She raises her eyebrows towards the door. You leave. Done deal.

Princess Diaries
Princess Diaries

7. Even though you spend almost every day together, you never run out of things to talk about. Sometimes you even forget to say something and end up texting her all day from work. You spend so much time together, and yet you never get sick of one another.

Peter Pan
Peter Pan

8. You move around and cook and clean while conversing. Sometimes you even sit on the toilet and remove your toenail polish while she’s showering, so as not to interrupt the flow of conversation. And it’s not even weird. At. All.

Saturday Night Live
Saturday Night Live

9. You can ride the train all the way to Coney Island, sitting across from one another and not saying a word for a full hour and a half. And you can take turns falling asleep on the train ride home, and gently nudge the other one awake when you’re a stop or two away from your block.

10. You’re great friends, but you each have a best friend. You know that and acknowledge that about one another. And neither one of you is jealous or threatened by that other best friend, because you have the same exact friend configuration, which is strangely perfect and awesome.


11. You care about and value a lot of the same things. You also like a lot of the same music and could either dance around in your underwear to Taylor Swift or casually have some indie tunes playing in the background.

12. She hates condiments. You love them. But she learns to gag less and you learn to use ketchup more sparingly.


13. You both treat wine as a major food group.

Will And Grace
Will And Grace

14. You invent a secret handshake. That you have to explain to everyone. So it’s not really that secret, but it is exclusively yours.

The Parent Trap
The Parent Trap

15. When you’re home sick from work after a night of puking up bad falafel, she will be there, water and pepto in hand, ready to hold back your hair or help you make a list of all the things you love about yourself, while you are feeling particularly awful about life in general.

2 Broke Girls
2 Broke Girls

16. Most importantly of all, she kills all the bugs. That is the most valuable attribute a roommate could possess.

Harry Potter
Harry Potter
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Gabriela Szewcow

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