Each One Wonderful: New York City Dogs

I live in the wilds of Vermont and don’t get away much, but I managed to escape to New York for a few days in April 2013 and while I was there I took pictures of the one thing I can’t resist taking pictures of: dogs. I probably took 200 pictures of dogs. I came home and put my favorites into a little book, which I’ve called “Each One Wonderful: New York City Dogs” and you can buy a signed and numbered copy here and you can also buy prints from the book here. Bonus points if you can spot Parker Posey somewhere in the book (it’s not hard). Thought Catalog Logo Mark
Bruiser, Chelsea
Bruiser, Chelsea
Parker, East Village
Parker, East Village
Bruce, West Village
Bruce, West Village
Clark, Midtown
Clark, Midtown
Petunia, Chelsea
Petunia, Chelsea
Willy, West Village
Willy, West Village
Señor Wences, Union Square
Señor Wences, Union Square
Binky, Chelsea
Binky, Chelsea
Damien, Union Square
Damien, Union Square
Unnamed Corgi, West Village
Unnamed Corgi, West Village
Henry, Midtown
Henry, Midtown
Reggie, Union Square
Reggie, Union Square
Valentine, Hell's Kitchen
Valentine, Hell’s Kitchen
Holly, Hell's Kitchen
Holly, Hell’s Kitchen
Bea, Midtown
Bea, Midtown
Brooklyn, Greenwich Village
Brooklyn, Greenwich Village

This post is part of Tao Lin Day. To read more posts in this series, click here.

About the author

Tara Wray

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