17 Pet Hates And 25 Pet Loves

Pet Hates

1. Bruised avocado

image - Flickr / Jabiz Raisdana
image – Flickr / Jabiz Raisdana

2. Cold feet

3. Bad breath

4. Hair left in the bathroom sink

image - Flickr / Dyniss Rainer
image – Flickr / Dyniss Rainer

5. LA drivers

6. Air Conditioning

image - Flickr / Bonnie Natko
image – Flickr / Bonnie Natko

7. Techno music

8. Pushy shop assistants

9. Telephone automated services. Connect me to a human being please!

10. Fox News

11. People who eat with their mouth open

image - Flickr / Morag Riddell
image – Flickr / Morag Riddell

12. Coffee that’s served so hot it burns your tongue

13. Gristle

14. People who talk too much

15. Bootcut jeans

16. Burps

17. Cupboard doors left open

image - Flickr / Peas
image – Flickr / Peas

Pet Loves

1. Fresh avocado

2. Morning cuddles in bed

3. Late-night veggie Quesadillas from Taco Zone

image - Flickr / Nathan Jongewaard
image – Flickr / Nathan Jongewaard

4. Mom’s Bolognese

5. Makeout sessions

6. Beautiful hands

7. Striped T-shirts

image - Flickr / Laura Thorne
image – Flickr / Laura Thorne

8. Flea markets

9. Men with body hair

10. Pizza in bed while watching a series on Netflix

11. Chivalry

12. Cupcakes with pink icing

image - Flickr / alexis
image – Flickr / alexis

13. Polish pierogi

14. Cacti

15. Breasts (I’m heterosexual but I think breast are just great!)

image - Flickr / stuart stephens
image – Flickr / stuart stephens

16. British accents

17. Candid photos

18. Vermicelli noodles

image - Flickr / Judit Klein
image – Flickr / Judit Klein

19. Afternoon naps

20. Handwritten letters

21. Tracksuit pants

22. Hot showers

image - Flickr / Umberto Rotundo
image – Flickr / Umberto Rotundo

23. Top 40 love songs

24. Undies and bed sheets that are fresh from the dryer

25. The sound of rain on my roof when I’m in bed Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Viva Bianca

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