True Scary Stories Megamix (50 Of The Creepiest Ones I’ve Found In Awhile)

Haunted living room

A couple of weeks ago, I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep and I hear my TV come on. I lay in bed a few seconds hoping to hear my fat ass cat jump off the coffee table. I get up and go out to the living room and said fat ass cat is posted up on a table by the window and nowhere near the TV remote.

The way my house is setup, my bedroom is behind the living room and my living room TV is perpendicular to the wall, not parallel.

So I walk up to the back of the tv and right when I get next to it, it shuts off. Glow of the screen disappears, sound stops. I am 100% freaked the fuck out so I unplug it.

I go lay back down in bed. My heart is still going thump thump thump and I’m trying my best to pretend everything is a-okay.

So I lay there a few more minutes and then I HEAR MORE GOD DAMN NOISE FROM THE LIVING ROOM. I am so freaked out. I get my stun baton out to go check out the new noise. Because I might be able to tase a poltergeist?

I poke my head into the living room. The tv definitely isn’t on. I listen for a few seconds and realize this noise is coming from my laptop. The laptop I haven’t opened in probably two weeks.

I lift the lid on it and utorrent has decided to open itself and start running pop-up ads. I mute the laptop, go back to bed, and lay in bed awake until 4 am.

In the morning I’m texting my boyfriend about it. He does so googling. Turns out almost dead tv remote batteries can send garbage signals that the tv will interpret as the on signal. I’ve had my tv since 2011 and the remote still has vizio branded batteries.

I still don’t have a good explanation for the laptop.

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