True Scary Stories Megamix (50 Of The Creepiest Ones I’ve Found In Awhile)

The window

When I was younger my older cousin lived with us for a bit because she was having behavioral problems at home. My parents had to go at night to pick someone up from the airport so the left my brother and I with her. My brother and I were both in bed in my room at this point (I think it was a school night) and she was up in the other room doing homework or something. But she finished up so she comes into my room to lay down with us but as soon as she opens the door or house alarm starts going off.

She quickly shut the door and come over to me to tell me to be quiet before goin back to hold the door closed since it didn’t have a lock. My brother (who’s older than me by a year) then woke up very confused about what was going on. So the alarms going off were all scared out of our minds and we can’t even call for help because her phone was taken away and we were too young to have one.

Our only option is to get to one of the landlines. One in the kitchen and one in my parents bed room. So we all get ready and at the same time we all run to my parents room and lock their door. My cousin checks their bathroom and closet to make sure no one is hiding in there before calling my parents to let them know what’s happening. They say they’re only two minutes away so don’t worry. But let me tell you those were the worst two minutes of my life.

After all is said and done we find out through the alarm company that the window in my parents room is what tripped the alarm. AND THATS THE ROOM WE MOVED TO!!! To this day my parents are convinced she was just trying to sneak in a boyfriend or something but I’m certain someone was trying to rob the place or worse and got scared off by the alarm because of how completely terrified my cousin looked.

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