True Scary Stories Megamix (50 Of The Creepiest Ones I’ve Found In Awhile)

Someone watching me from the woods

One time, I drove back to college after Christmas but before the winter break was over, so I was the first of my roommates to get back to the house we were renting. Our house was in a pretty isolated spot on the outskirts of a town in upstate New York. I pulled into the driveway behind the house, went to the trunk and grabbed one of my bags and then ran inside because I had to use the bathroom so badly- I’d been one the road for over five hours. I was inside the house using the bathroom for maybe five minutes.

Afterwards, I went back outside to get the rest of my stuff from the car. And there were footprints in the snow all around it.

Now, as I said, I was alone in the middle of nowhere. The only set of footprints should’ve been mine from where I’d gotten out of the car on the driver’s side, walked to the trunk, and then walked to the back door. Yet now, there was another set of footprints circling the car, and then leading into the woods at the back of the property. It appeared that the footprints had originally come from the woods as well. I had left my trunk open when I was inside because I’d assumed I was alone, and nothing had been taken. But someone had seen me arrive, come out of the woods, circled my car, and returned to the woods.

I grabbed the rest of my shit, locked my car, ran into the house, and locked the doors.

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