True Scary Stories Megamix (50 Of The Creepiest Ones I’ve Found In Awhile)

A clan ritual

A friend of mine, who I think is trustworthy, was driving home on country roads late one night. He decided to take the gravel short cut past an old cemetery. He noticed several trucks and lights at the cemetery so he started to pull over to see what was going on. There were a bunch of motherfuckers in white hoodies in a circle. Some sort of Clan ritual we think, but don’t really know. He noped out of there really fast but some of them saw him and followed him in his car all the way back to town.

Walking in the dark

So, I visited my ex-MIL in rural Georgia over the summer couple years back. We’re talking deep, deep, deep rural South. No light pollution, so you can see a billion stars and the actual Milky Way across the sky. Well, the night I went it was one of those slim crescent moons, so it was even darker than normal. I can’t see my hand at the end of my outstretched arm levels of dark.

I’m walking their little rat dog around the yard along the edge of a forest and I’m probably 200 yards from their little trailer (which is the only source of light besides my flashlight). This little rat dog stops dead in his tracks and starts trembling. He looks up at me with his bug eyes popping out. I hear a rustle of leaves and a twig snap, maybe 20 feet to my left. I scoop the rat up and start powerwalking back to the house, looking in all directions with the flashlight.

Once I get halfway back, I hear a bloodcurdling, high-pitched scream from hell. It sounded like a woman was getting stabbed. Oh shit, this is some Hills Have Eyes shit and I’m gonna die. I ran as fast as I could back to the trailer.

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