True Scary Stories Megamix (50 Of The Creepiest Ones I’ve Found In Awhile)


So as a youngster me and my brother were staying up late playing video games since we didn’t have school the next morning. It was maybe 3am when we decided to shut it down and get in bed. My room is at the end of the hall while my brothers was right next to mine. After we shut it off and put the controllers away we both hear these heavy slow footsteps coming from the kitchen. The kitchen was the only room without carpet so they sounded pretty ominous.

We gave each other a look and I called out down the hall “Dad?”. Well then the footstep sounds trailed back towards our laundry room and stopped. That’s also where our basement door is. Well we knew something wasnt right so we both start yelling for our mom and dad and they come rushing to us all sleepy and confused. And we frantically explain what we heard. My dad goes and checks it out and tells us that all the doors are still locked and closed and there wasnt anything showing anyone was in the house.

Plausible explanation could be that it was just a murderer that broke in and scurried off when we called out but I always wondered what if it was a murder ghost instead.

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