True Scary Stories Megamix (50 Of The Creepiest Ones I’ve Found In Awhile)

A voice saved my life

I was in a major car accident over a decade ago. My car was hit by another car in such a way where I lost control of the car, the car somehow went on a full circle on the highway. I t-boned a jersey wall, completely destorying it and cracking the next two in line, and I bounced off that onto an off-ramp, with my side of the car facing traffic.

I am about to exhale when I hear “hey kid. When I start counting you have 8 seconds to move your car or you’re going to be hit by an 18 wheeler. Do you understand? 8…7…6”

Voice didn’t have to tell me twice, I threw my car into drive and got onto the shoulder. At 1, an 18 wheeler drove by the spot my car was parked on.

I should have died, according to the cops surveying the crash site later, but I walked away with a few bruises and I needed a root canal a few days later. I probably imagined the voice, but damn I’m believing it was something other worldly.

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