30 Men Recall The Moment They Decided To Marry Their Wife

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8. When her eyes lit up after I asked her to be my girlfriend.

“We had gone on two or three dates before I asked her to ‘be my girlfriend’ and I knew the instant she said yes that we would be married one day. Her eyes just lit up like nothing else when I told her I wanted to make things official. It has felt like I can read her mind since the day I met her. I know when she’s happy, sad, upset, tired, annoyed, etc. I knew a few days before she asked me to move in with her that she was going to ask. We have been in sync pretty constantly, and I’m incredibly lucky to be married to someone with whom I’m so in tune. We dated for three years, but I knew from day one that we were going to be married.

I don’t really believe in ‘soulmates’ or anything too mystical. However, if there was anyone who could change my mind about that, it’s my wife.”


9. When my son called her ‘Mama.’

“When my son called her ‘Mama.’ My ex left us high and dry when my son was 4 months old.”


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