30 Men Recall The Moment They Decided To Marry Their Wife

5. When I wasn’t bothered having to clean up her puke and poop.

“I’ve been married just over a week, so I’ve been telling this story a lot lately.

We were three days into a month-long backpacking trip in southeast Asia. We’re staying in a seedy hotel in Bangkok and she gets a bad case of food poisoning – it’s coming out of both ends for 24 hours.

I, of course, am now designated as her nurse. I’m refilling her water bottle, getting her soup from the restaurant outside, keeping her company and, most importantly, emptying the trash bin she keeps puking into.

After one trip to empty her vomit bucket, I come back into the room and she’s asleep. I looked at her and thought to myself ‘I’m not even bothered by this. I’d do anything for her. This is the woman I’m going to marry.’

She’s a disgusting barf fairy, but she’s my disgusting barf fairy. Zero regrets.

For all those asking, we had a Jewish wedding, so no vows. I did get to break the shit out of a glass, though!”


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