30 Men Recall The Moment They Decided To Marry Their Wife

Henri Meilhac

24. When she took care of me after I got the flu.

“Once I got flu, she stood by me day and night until I recovered. I got to see her nurturing side for the first time. I was already in love with her, this sealed the deal.”


25. When she rubbed my feet while I was in the hospital.

“I asked my husband and he said it was about a year into our relationship. He says, ‘Right after we moved to WA (from OR) and I woke up in the middle of the night with an arrhythmia. Even though you had to work the next day and it was 2am, you calmly suggested we go to the ER just to be sure. You talked to the doctors, asked questions, rubbed my feet (you hate feet!) and did everything to keep me calm. You were my advocate and made sure I got taken care of. I knew then that I wanted to be with you forever. I felt very loved and proud that you were mine.’

It turns out he had mild sleep apnea (he didn’t snore so I had no idea!) and when his brain would shoot adrenaline into his system after not breathing for a second, it would totally fuck up the electrical system in his heart, causing an atrial fibrillation. It hasn’t happened since he got a CPaP shortly after this episode. Glad we went to the doctor because he told me it had happened before. A-Fib can cause clots to form in the heart because the blood doesn’t always fully exit the ventricles, and can lead to stroke. Sleep apnea is no joke, people!

That was in September 2014. He proposed in April 2015, and we’ve been married since August 2016. Our first baby is due in 2 weeks. It’s a boy !💙”


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