40 Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed

32. When you dread being with your partner.

“Had a long term relationship with someone that all of my friends told me (after it ended) that it was a failure.

These are the three that really commented how bad the relationship was:

Dreading being with the person. Especially being on edge all of the time around them.

Never feeling like you can get anywhere in a debate argument or just plain talking with them. Not that you can’t ‘win’ but that you should never even put forth your point of view because it will be ignored or vigorously fought / shot down.

Feeling like you are never EVER on the ‘same page.’

Arguments and fights are perfectly normal and even natural in a relationship. Some people thrive on bickering. But there is a difference between bickering and outright dreading even bring up a touchy situation with someone that is supposed to love you. There needs to be compromise of some sort (even in the smallest degree).”


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