40 Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed

26. When your partner makes fun of you publicly and privately.

“Some easily overlooked signs:

1) Making fun of you, publicly and privately. It may seem innocent but it will dig right under your skin and stay there, causing one to become very sensitive to the jabs. When this person becomes flustered and admits they are hurt, the manipulator may deflect blame and gaslight, saying they are just kidding. Really, it’s a very effective tactic to groom the other into subordination.

2) Like I just mentioned, gas lighting. You may not be able to detect it but trust your intuition if your partner continually makes you feel like your wrong or crazy. Your subconscious is telling you something. It starts subtle and grows into parasitic manipulation. The power trip can feed the perp.

3) Sharing finances (credit cards) and not finding importance in contributing to bills in a timely matter.”


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