40 Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed

17. When one person is more obsessed with the other.

“When one person is more obsessed with the other. Now…in a relationship someone is going to fall in love faster than the other. That’s just how it works. Someone becomes attached sooner, someone wants to move to the next level sooner and so on.

HOWEVER, what’s important to realize is the ratio. If it’s about a 60/40 or even 70/30, that’s okay. It doesn’t mean it’s bad… but when it’s a 90/10 like I was with this one girl I fell head over stupid for, it means your obsessing over them and they’ve only barely gotten to know you. When this happens, slow your roll. In fact, throw on the fucking brakes and reevaluate what you’re doing. You may come to the unfortunate realization and conclusion as I did…that you need to call it off and take time for yourself.”


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