100 Short Creepypasta Stories To Read In Bed Tonight

I Hate Using The Toilet At Night

Whenever I need to use the bathroom at night, I am always filled with a sense of terror. As soon as I flush the toilet and switch off the lights, I run as fast as I could, feeling that someone or something is chasing me until I reach the safety of my own bedroom; closing the door behind me and hiding under the protection of my soft blanket.

I know it’s a little irrational for me to feel this way, but whenever I need to pee or do number two, I curse myself for drinking too much water or eating too much before going to bed.

Last night, as I flushed the toilet, washed my hands and switched the lights off, I was greeted by the same darkness that usually made me cower and anxious. A thought came to me, that maybe I could get over this feeling of dread if I faced my own nightmares. I stopped myself from running and walked at a normal pace, trying to block horrific images inside my head by counting my steps.

I reached my bedroom safely. I smiled at my achievement and gave a sigh of relief. Just then, my bedroom door closed behind me. I turned around and I saw it; the one that caused me fear every time I used the toilet at night.

It turns out that it wasn’t chasing me.

It was trying to race me before I could close my bedroom door.

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