100 Short Creepypasta Stories To Read In Bed Tonight


This is a short write-up for me, as I don’t really have too much time. This is more-so a message for future generations who have any sanity left in this world. “You’ve been living under a rock!” My friends told me. “It’s just a painless shot, get over it, you baby.” My siblings teased to me day after day.

Well, look now. I’m probably (at least to my knowledge) the only “normal” person left on Earth. You see, about 5 or so months back, the government started.. offering these “free shots”. Said they would increase brain performance, make you run faster, jump faster. Hell, I even heard someone say it was like steroids, but better.

First few months of testing went well. Everyone was receiving their benefits, telling me how I should get one. I declined. I was always wary of the government, a superstitious man, as they call it. But, I suppose even the greatest achievements of mankind has its downfall.

I noticed patterns in those who received it. More recommendations, more ads online, I couldn’t avoid the shot. I moved out of my apartment, to hide from… whatever my friends and family became.

They’re evolving even more now. The news (and henceforth the government) keep quiet about it. I haven’t been out there for the past week. I keep hearing claws scratching on my door. It sounds like my father speaking to me.

“Come out champ, everyone’s doing it!” I know it isn’t him.

I need to make this stop. The scratches keep going and going AND GOING, I need to put an end to this. I’m grabbing the shotgun.

11/9/52: Document edited for Alabama County Psych Ward patient, permitted to treatment. Subject would get some help out of it. Appears to believe that new life-saving drug is somehow “evil.”

UPDATE: They’re holding me captive. Please, to anyone reading this, ANYONE, don’t trust them. I can only hear their demented language, it sounds like I somehow committed “man-slaughter.” It’s all a lie. They’re just trying to brainwash me. I’m not insane, I SWEAR!

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