28 People Share The Creepy Stories Of The Scariest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced

The man in the rain

It was not me it was my father.

He was in a van going to a church function somewhere in Iowa. They were traveling down the highway when they saw a guy walking down the road and the youth pastor decided to pick him up since it was raining.

They asked the guy where his destination was it was just past the town they were heading to.
The rain turned into a very strong storm it was late afternoon and it was pitch black outside. The group kept in high spirits singing church songs.

When they were going past the town they couldn’t see anything. Shortly after passing the town in the middle of nowhere the gentleman said this is my destination.

It is still storming bad outside. The youth pastor says we can take you farther. The guy says this is where I need to be. So they stop about 2-3 miles past this town.

The guy then asks for some money. The youth pastor felt moved to give him the 4 $100 bills in his wallet, all the money he had.

The guy exits the van a large crack of thunder turns their heads away. They look back there is no man there anymore. Split second and he is gone and the rain had just stopped.

The group was shocked they said a prayer for the guy and went back toward town. They turned onto the exit for the town and saw the town it had been ravaged by a tornado about when they were going past on the highway. They went into the town to immediately start helping people. Later that night the youth pastor pulled out his wallet and there in his wallet are 8 $100 dollar bills.

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