28 People Share The Creepy Stories Of The Scariest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced

I really hope this isn’t a premonition

Buried for sure. When I was younger, I would have these recurring dreams. In the dream I was a kid in elementary school and for some reason or another, I would miss the bus and have to walk home. as I would walk, There would be a solar eclipse. During the eclipse, The people, and everything around me would turn grey, like their souls or lives were being removed. I would run home as fast as I could. Just as I reached my neighborhood, the eclipse would end, and the world would come back to life. It was a terrifying dream, and it would happen periodically. once around a campfire, I told 2 of my friends, They turned white, as I told it, because they had the same dream. They explained the details I left out. We all had the same dream, on the same nights. It still scares me, and I still have the same dream occasionally.

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