28 People Share The Creepy Stories Of The Scariest Thing They’ve Ever Experienced

A terrible coincidence (or premonition)

Welp, here goes. I’m a writer, and in early March of this year, I read about a short story contest due May 1st in which the winner would have their work published. I don’t know why this came to mind, but I thought to make an allegorical tale in which a woman, whose lover dies by drowning after jumping off a bridge, dreams her way through the five stages of grief as explained by various scenes involving water (for example: in the ‘denial’ stage, she goes into a house that’s being flooded to urge the residents to leave, but this family just sits on the couch watching television and refuses to admit they’re being flooded even as the water rises up before their eyes). This was March 11th. On March 13th, my boyfriend committed suicide by jumping a bridge into the Hocking River. He had no idea what I was writing. I only got into the planning stages of that short story. There’s no fucking way I’m going to finish it now.

My dog teleported

People don’t believe me when I tell them, but my dog appeared out of thin air in my room once. The door was closed & I was in my room for a good hour, when all of a sudden I hear a weird yelp. I turn around and my pup was already at the door scratching to get out.

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