25 Things Men THINK Women Want But We Could Not Care Less About

19. A man who is pushy

“Men often think they have to be persistent and pushy in order to get someone. I get it, decades of film and TV have socialized men into thinking that if a girl walks away, they want to be grabbed. That if they stop responding to your texts, they actually want you to call them daily. That if they ignore you or say no outright, you should send them gifts and show up at their job.

Don’t do this! Trust women enough to take our actions and what we say at face value. Respect women enough to respond accordingly to that.

Nearly all woman have had a bad experience with a man that makes us very fearful for what a man is capable of doing when they’re “in love” or jealous or angry. You don’t want to add yourself to the roledex of people in her mind that are disrespectful and make her feel unsafe.

(Side note: I know it’s often hard to read emotions, especially if someone is not forthright with their words. But also look at it from our side and understand that if we’re not being clear, we might be worried of what reaction an outright rejection would elicit. Or maybe it’s just hard, idk people are complicated )” — cfan1995

An Ode To The Entitled Millennial Boy
Look Catalog

20. A man with muscles

“You don’t have to have six packs to be attractive. I like tall guys by that I mean when they’re taller than me. And someone who is genuinely nice and is respectful and honest.” — Cheetahlesbian

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