30 Ex-Convicts Recall Their Most Terrifying Prison Experience

24. The COs caught the black guy raping the gay guy in the showers.

“I was in Rikers Island (NY), and this black guy was messing with this gay Hispanic guy. The next day the COs caught the black guy raping the gay guy in the showers.”


25. Her skull was just slipping off, one side was cracked with half her face inches lower than the rest.

“I did some time in a woman’s prison, of which I’ve heard from others that it can be worse than the men’s due to not having any kind of work release and also hormones, including the entire prison getting their monthly visitors all at once.

I saw lots of fucked up stuff but one ‘fight’ stands out in particular. I put ‘fight’ in quotes because the injured went down in one move and there was no build-up or reaction time.

I was in a Max Security part of the prison because I still had open cases, but mostly in Max was filled with violent psychopaths like murderers, gangbangers, violent assault & battery…then there were the baby killers, the child diddlers, the lady who hid her pregnancy and fed her husband the baby, the chick that did a set-up over Craigslist to cut a baby out of a pregnant buyer to show her bf she miscarried; they wore bright red and would only ever be in out of seg for a day or two because they got into a lot of fights or maybe it meant that they were actually diagnosed mentally ill, but I saw them get attacked while never instigating anything. On my third day there one of them politely asked for some food I wasn’t touching off my tray and it caused a snowstorm. Half my table stands up yelling at her not to talk to me or look at me she starts shuffling back and someone trips her and she gets kicked in the ribs while she’s down. No COs notice or care. I’ve read in some men’s prison AMAs that it’s not as violent as you’d think and that chomo child-abusers mostly just get ignored. Not true in woman’s, these women take so much pride in their motherhood it was ridiculous. They’d spend a majority of the day discussing how they have done and would do anything for their kids (I was young then and still childfree now so I didn’t have to play those games), which I always thought was dumb as they were sitting in prison for more of their kids’ childhoods than they were out for.

Anyway as for the most fucked up thing I saw…well there’s two. The first was the worst fight/attack. My pod gets called down to chow hall along with maybe five others. They open some double doors that normally are locked with a post that runs between them. There’s one girl in the pod in front of us that everyone knows, she has a big mouth and is always aggressive. She was toward the back near us and then starts skipping up ahead, she’s about to go thru the doors and as she’s skipping launches herself forward with her two hands cupped together in front of her and SLAMS another girl in her pod’s FACE into the post in between the door with all her strength. Her skull was just slipping off, one side was cracked with half her face inches lower than the rest. She was trying to instinctively hold her face together while at the same time being in shock, nursing took forever and we all had to squat where we stood until everyone involved left.”


26. I spent the night listening to the dude in the bunk above me shake violently from some kind of withdrawal for hours and hours on end.

“Uhh. At tent city Arizona I spent the night listening to the dude in the bunk above me shake violently from some kind of withdrawal for hours and hours on end throughout the night. For what it’s worth, I think that guy’s scariest memory of prison was worse than mine.”


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