30 Ex-Convicts Recall Their Most Terrifying Prison Experience

Found on AskReddit.

1. When I first got there, I had to watch an instructional video on how not to be raped.

“When I first got there, I had to watch an instructional video on how not to be raped….That was legitimately the scariest memory I had of it.”


2. I always remember the first door that closed behind me that didn’t have a handle.

“I always remember the first door that closed behind me that didn’t have a handle.”


3. The first moment the guards shut the cell door and lock you into your new 7 x 9 home is an unforgettable experience.

“The first moment the guards shut the cell door and lock you into your new 7 x 9 home is an unforgettable experience.”


4. One guy slashed the other’s face repeatedly with a razor blade melted into a toothbrush.

“My very first time in jail when I was 18 was a bit of a trip. Went through the whole entry process where they check your butt for stuff, make you feel like a piece of shit, threaten you, etc. It was pretty fun. Then the group I was with were split up to head to different cell blocks. My foot was barely through the cell block door when a siren started blaring and we were told to face the wall and not move. A bunch of guards rushed the cell block and after a couple of minutes they rushed a guy covered in blood past us followed by a guy I assumed was the cause of the blood. Find out later that they had an argument about a fucking book so one guy slashed the other’s face repeatedly with a razor blade melted into a toothbrush.”


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