30 Ex-Convicts Recall Their Most Terrifying Prison Experience

21. I really thought I would wake up dead.

“I truly thought I was going to die, after Mo-rilla and Go-rilla convinced me to stand up for myself after my lunch was stolen. When I told the guards, they immediately locked down our entire block and took our TV and canceled our ‘common time’ for a few days. I really thought I would wake up dead.”


22. Just really unintelligent people with nothing of value to say except to talk themselves up or put other people down.

“Jail fucking sucks. The best way I can describe it is, you know when you head out to the bar after a long week at work to relax with your buddies or your girlfriend, and there’s always that one guy at the bar who doesn’t even seem like he came with friends? Sometimes he’s like a good 15 years older than you, like he should definitely know better. He’s loud and obnoxious, he’s trying to fight everyone that looks at him, he’s rude to every woman who walks in, whistles at them or catcalls them, and he wants to make sure that everyone there knows that he’s a tough guy, even though you couldn’t care less about this dude, he’s gotta one-up everyone’s stories, etc.? Well that’s the kind of guy who gets arrested, so put about 50 of those guys in the same small dorm, and now take away all their stuff. Just really unintelligent people with nothing of value to say except to talk themselves up or put other people down. And it’s not even just that it’s a bunch of criminals, ’cause there’s criminals everywhere and some are good people, but it’s that they are the dumbest of the criminals because they got caught! And you want to tell yourself, ‘wow I’m glad I’m not like these people,’ and then you realize you are, because there you are locked up with them wearing the same underwear sleeping on the same shitty mattress eating the same garbage food.”


23. Standing in handcuffs and shackles while a court of men who didn’t know me decided what to do with me for a crime I didn’t commit.

“Standing in handcuffs and shackles while a court of men who didn’t know me decided what to do with me for a crime I didn’t commit….It was straightened out after a year. Basically I was at the wrong place wrong time and they had to sort that out. I’m good now for the most part, except when you Google me some pretty incriminating articles come up that are no longer accurate because I was found innocent and I haven’t been able to get them taken down successfully.”


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