30 Ex-Convicts Recall Their Most Terrifying Prison Experience

18. He kicked him in the head until it looked like the outside of a bruised watermelon.

“Spent 6 months in Juarez for stealing car stereos with my uncle. Me in this super obese guy shared a cell let’s call him Pepe. I think he got caught stealing copper lines or something like that. we would chill together most of the time I was kinda young and scared and he seemed trustable. This one day I remember it being quite hot so I was chilling with my shirt over my shoulder you know just walking around. That’s when this guy not even 5ft I want to say 4’11” (almost a midget tbh) came up to Pepe and asked him about his kid and how was the family I knew something was up Pepe was intimidated by a midget (Pepe was about 5’9) all I remember is this little guy stretching his arm toward me and grabbing my shirt he said ‘andale vamos de aqui’ which means something along the lines of ‘get out of here’ honestly I knew something was going to happen to I just started walking away when I heard a rumble. All I see is little guy choking the shirt out of Pepe from the back with my shirt. Pepe just grabbed him, threw him on the floor, poked his eyes, and kicked him in the head until it looked like the outside of a bruised watermelon. Pepe looked so fucking vicious like he enjoyed it for a minute there. Then the guards showed up and beat the shit out of him. I remember I never saw him after that. That same night I got a new cellmate a young kid that beat and stole from his mom. Besides that he was pretty cool. I spent two months in there and then was moved to a smaller facility to do the rest.”


19. Officers would pick cells at random and just beat the shit out of whoever who was unlucky enough to be in there.

“An officer was attacked and killed by an inmate. Every night, for weeks, 3rd shift would come on and a half dozen officers would pick cells at random and just beat the shit out of whoever who was unlucky enough to be in there. Imagine sitting in the dark, hearing a grown man just 100 feet away screaming in pain and agony. Did I mention the CO’s were laughing in between blows?”


20. For two days he just sat naked on the floor rocking back and forth with a blanket thrown over him.

“While I was being processed one of the ‘guests’ was screaming nonstop about suing everyone and making the cops his bitch. He was still very under the influence. All the cops were generally laughing about it until one decided that it needed to stop so they all suited up and went in to shut him up. They were more jacked than any HS football team I’ve ever seen. Off they went and about 3 minutes later—silence. Walked me by his cell on the way to my new room and he was just sitting there buck-ass naked. Few hours go by and he decides to kill himself by drowning in the toilet. This will never work. Well, in go about eight cops in full gear. I would think eight professional guards could move one guy but they decided to taser him several times while his head is in a metal toilet and water. For two days he just sat naked on the floor rocking back and forth with a blanket thrown over him. Then he just disappeared.”


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