25 People On The Creepy Occurrence That Scared Them To Death

21. A man lurked around my house late at night

“I used to live out in the country and you couldn’t really see my house from the road, so you had to know where it was if you were gonna stop by. My SO at the time was stationed overseas, and I was up late studying for a test. About 11:30, my dog, a sweet and large pit bull, started barking and wouldn’t quit. Since I lived out in the boonies, I just assumed it was a deer or something. I took him outside to let him chase off whatever it was. We walked to the edge of the house and he wouldn’t leave my side, he just stayed there growling at the darkness. I was a little freaked out but whatever, I took him back inside and he started barking again. I tried to just keep studying, but about 15 minutes later, I heard what sounded like old country music coming from my back porch, then a man’s voice. This scared the shit out of me, I immediately called my friend (instead of 911) because I was still convinced I was making shit up in my head. I then turned off all of the lights in the house and took my dog to the bedroom and hid while I waited for her to come get me. The next morning we came back and there were huge boot prints all the way around the house, he was standing around the corner from where I was when I took my dog outside. I called the sheriff’s office and they came out. They told me that if my dog hadn’t sounded like he’d bite someone’s face off, whoever was there probably would have forced his way in the house. I moved into a friend’s house and found a new place to live, but in the mean time, I would go back to get things I needed. Each time I went back, something was different, a window screen was taken off the window, the deadbolt cover was broken, but as far as I know, he never went in the house and he never fucked with my SO’s car or anything else outside.” — arnebaumann

22. I watched a little girl drown

“Maybe not the creepiest but the first to pop to my head. I remember seeing a girl drowning in a pool when I was about 11.

I remember how bizarre the whole thing was because how weird it seemed to kid me at the time.

Everyone was told to get out of the pool so that the staff can convert the pool into lanes for adults and other swimmers. The lifeguard must have been overseeing the staff because I didn’t remember seeing one.

So I was just looking around the pool while they were doing this. In front of my feet as I skirted the edge of the pool, I saw this girl just suspended in the water. She looked like she was treading but underwater and her hair was all over the place. The weird thing was that she wasn’t going anywhere.

It looked controlled and peaceful but something about it was just off. So I pointed her out to someone because she wasn’t supposed to be in there.

An adult rushed over and pulled her out. In my mind she went from peacefully swimming underwater to hysterically crying when she got pulled out of there so it was pretty jarring imagery.

Like she took this big shuddering breath and then started crying. It didn’t really hit me that she was dying until I walked away from there 20 seconds later. Not the most creepy thing I witnessed but it seemed so bizarre and haunting to younger me.” — pm_me_nudes_girl_ty

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